Prometheus target down alert. alertname = TargetDown cluster = abc.

Prometheus target down alert I have deployed Prometheus operator for it to monitor the cluster. When running docker images, network( --net) parameter should be passed to both images. The prometheus rules "TargetDown" is not working properly. Prometheus can scrape a vast amount of data, but not all of it is useful. Also, I tried the expression as well, it is giving all the alerts. These APIs are not enabled unless the --web. I looked thru the metrics that prometheus is offering but I did not see anything witch is useful. yml with your alerting rules. - critical Description: KubeProxy has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. Oct 31, 2018 · If I start up a fresh clean empty minikube and helm install the latest stable/prometheus-operator with strictly default settings I see four active Prometheus alarms. To implement alerting rules: Create a file named alert. below is my services running. It has the same configuration format and actions as target relabeling. Whenever the alert expression results in one or more vector elements at a given point in time, the alert counts as active for these elements' label sets. Impact # If not firing then it should alert external systems that this alerting system is no longer working. As mentioned in the beginning of this tutorial we will create a basic rule where we want to raise an alert when the ping_request_count value is greater than 5. com node3-4567. Alert [FIRING:1] KubeProxyDown - critical Alert: Target disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. 1. In the prometheus-operator logs, the following errors can be seen when the Kubelet has disappeared from Prometheus target alert is firing in RHOCP 4. But I am getting Kube Scheduler & Etcd Targets Down alert. Dec 22, 2017 · I could open the UI of the second prometheus instance, but I did not see any metrics which were available on the target instance, and the status of the target prometheus instance displayed on the targets page (as below) was DOWN. Jun 18, 2022 · The "UP" value in the state column refers to the Prometheus scrape target, not the target of the blackbox module (the next column). A requirement is that the status code of the request that failed is included in the alert. But showing target d etcdMembersDown # Meaning # This alert fires when one or more etcd member goes down and evaluates the number of etcd members that are currently down. Add a Prometheus scrape job in prometheus. yml file and identified by two labels: instance: Specifies the target’s address (e. current alert configuration is as follows: - alert: instance_down expr: 'up{job=&quot;node_exporte Jun 2, 2021 · You signed in with another tab or window. Apr 30, 2022 · In prometheus all target servers show as down with this error: dial tcp 10. Jul 13, 2019 · Currently I have a simple alerting rule set up that uses the "probe_success" metric from Blackbox Exporter to alert when a probe is down, kinda obvious. Impact # The cluster is not functional and Kubernetes resources cannot be reconciled. github. The Kubernetes API is not responding. If one node_exporter instance is down (up!=1), many alerts are sent out. 11:9100: getsockopt: connection timed out. From the Prometheus docs: up{job="", instance=""}: 1 if the instance is healthy, i. kind=Pod | grep alertmanager Mitigation # There Nov 29, 2024 · In Prometheus, a target is an endpoint or service that Prometheus monitors by scraping metrics. 9 How did you install your Prometheus? helm (2) chart > stable/prometheus-operator. rules. yaml using the container name instead of localhost. I have the following query I’m getting via MS SQL: select ServiceName, Status, TimeUTC as 'time' from ServicesStatus where Status returns either 0 (down) or 1 (up). Jul 28, 2022 · Whenever a router goes down or if we have a power outage we are getting 5 alerts in total for each site. The cluster may partially or fully non-functional. Prometheus TargetMissing / InstanceDown. yml FAILED: parsing YAML file prometheus. ; Add the rules file to your Prometheus configuration: etcdMembersDown # Meaning # This alert fires when one or more etcd member goes down and evaluates the number of etcd members that are currently down. Full context More information about the alert and design considerations can be found in a kube-prometheus issue Impact # Alert does not have any impact and it is used only as a workaround to a May 11, 2023 · Alert rule in Prometheus creates an alert if expr returns any time series. Feb 15, 2022 · You are deleting instance metrics from the TSDB, which is different from removing a target. 613Z caller=scrape. 5. yml is. 168. The node-exporter service collects hardware and operating system metrics from the host machine, while prometheus scrapes these metrics and stores them. Sep 8, 2023 · Here, both of the alerts were combined and sent via a single mail. Full context Prometheus works by sending an HTTP GET request to all of its “targets” every few seconds. While looking for the issue I found my kubelet target is down. Upon checking the kubectl commands, we saw that prometheus was trying to scrape pods in "Error" state and these alerts are related to those pods. And then we point Prometheus to the Alertmanager container we created. I wonder if anyone have sample Prometheus alert for this. The same is discovered in the service discovery and also listed in target. ). yml : node1-1234. 0. 4. Diagnosis # To be added. Just uncomment the alertmanager and provide the IP of the alert manager. [copy] Alerting rules allow you to define alert conditions based on Prometheus expression language expressions and to send notifications about firing alerts to an external service. 7647% of kubelet targets are down in Alertmanager. Result explains the problem and indicates how to solve it: Checking prometheus. TSDB Admin APIs. You can do that by clicking on the little Docker whale in menu bar and then on Preferences->File Sharing->+. The for parameter in Prometheus alerting rules specifies the duration of time that a condition must be true before an alert fires. Check the logs for the appropriate Prometheus Oct 7, 2024 · Open the Prometheus,yml file and set the target for the alert manager. We will be using alert rule for target down, low disk space, memory and cpu usage. com node2-4567. Excluding the possibility of a network issue preventing the monitoring system from scraping Kubelet metrics, multiple nodes in the cluster are likely unable Nov 20, 2024 · This file defines a monitoring stack consisting of three services: node-exporter, prometheus, and alertmanager. kube-proxy maintains network rules on nodes. user. Oct 14, 2020 · I can't seem to find out why Alertmanager is not getting alerts from Prometheus. KubeControllerManagerDown # Meaning # KubeControllerManager has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. Mar 14, 2022 · If Prometheus goes down, you won’t be having any metrics, hence no alert for any services, scary stuff along with a call from your boss !! Configuring Prometheus to monitor itself# Prometheus exposes metrics about itself at /metrics endpoint, hence it can scrape and monitor its own health. Target1. Some even think that instead of alerting on metrics, they should alert on application or service metrics only. Firstly, you can create docker image from your node application too. com node3-1234. Diagnosis # Verify why pods are not running. #2757 Closed bgvladedivac opened this issue Sep 12, 2019 · 6 comments KubeletDown # Meaning # This alert is triggered when the monitoring system has not been able to reach any of the cluster’s Kubelets for more than 15 minutes. . To view the alerts and Prometheus, click on the alert tab. So I have been observing 2 alerts firing in grafana alert that 1: KubeControllerManagerDown KubeControllerManager has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. Only "instance is down" is meaningful (because this is actual issue). Welcome to /r/Netherlands! Only English should be used for posts and comments. com node2-1234. yml: scrape timeout greater than scrape interval for scrape config with job name "slow_fella" Learn how to alert using prometheus alert manager. are observing is a periodic "TargetDown" Alerts (eg: 11. Jul 1, 2021 · The alert means that one or more prometheus scrape targets are down. You can get a big picture with events. Mitigation # See old CoreOS docs in Web Archive Jul 19, 2018 · kube-state-metrics gathers information from kube-apiserver for the state of kubernetes objects (such as pods, deployments, etc. After deleting a deployment having ServiceMonitor it will appear for a few seconds in pending state and disap Jan 3, 2017 · I like to monitor the containers using Prometheus and cAdvisor so that when a container restart, I get an alert. 086Z caller=main. uyuni_sd_configs) or prometheus configuration file (static_configs). How to contribute? If you find any issues with current runbooks, please use the Edit this page link at the bottom of the runbook page. e 192. See full list on runbooks. The furthest I managed to get is to trigger an alert on avg() if it goes below 1, but couldn’t figure out how to expose in the alert message which ServiceName has a Jan 9, 2019 · The applications are not in the same network. But I am getting Kubernetes proxy down alert for all the nodes. fiverr. dev Prometheus target missing with warmup time Allow a job time to start up (10 minutes) before alerting that it's down. $ kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject. 46. 1. yml. Diagnosis # Misconfigured alertmanager, bad credentials, bad Describe the bug a clear and concise description of what the bug is. Alerting rules in Prometheus servers send alerts to an Alertmanager. io/helm- Feb 26, 2024 · Hi, I want to make an alert when there are some prometheus targets down (with a list of them). Oct 3, 2023 · Kubernetes - Kubelet Down: This alert is fired when Kubelet disappears from Prometheus target discovery. How to get prometheus to monitor Oct 18, 2016 · Hi, Our prometheus has many node_exporter targets, and configured many alert rules. kube-system kube-dns ClusterIP 172. $ kubectl -n <namespace> get pod prometheus-k8s-0 2/2 Running 1 122m prometheus-k8s-1 2/2 Running 1 122m Look at the logs of each of them, there should be a log line such as: $ kubectl -n <namespace> logs prometheus-k8s-0 level=warn ts=2021-01-04T15:08:55. external_labels: monitor: ' codelab-monitor ' # Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'. com/store/. You could Jul 5, 2023 · Hi I have installed grafana 9. Check the annotations box to view the target where the rule is being applied. ocp-cluster. We aim to ship meaningful runbook for every alert in kube-prometheus project and provide enough insight to help kube-prometheus users during incidents. You can use links below to open a PR directly Name the new file the same as the alert it describes Fill in the new file following a template below. com job = kubelet prometheus = openshift-monitoring/k8s severity = warning Annotations description = 11. Aug 1, 2024 · This rule alerts when CPU usage exceeds 80% for 5 minutes. rules. rules" # - "second. alertname = TargetDown cluster = abc. I would like to know how Prometheus operator scrapes Kubernetes sheduler and ETCD ? also would like to know what configurations required to get metrics from control plane (scheduler and ETCD,etc. I want to retain this as a critical alert and add an other alert rule which notifies me if 1 or 2 targets are down (along with target names). Nevertheless, in most cases the alert might be lost or routed to the incorrect integration. 28. On the mailing list, more people are available to potentially respond to your question, and the whole community can benefit from the answers provided. The Alertmanager then manages those alerts, including silencing, inhibition, aggregation and sending out notifications via methods such as email, on-call notification systems, and chat platforms. Remember to put alert name at the top of the file Finding correct component # All alerts are prefixed with a Dec 13, 2024 · route: group_by: - alertname # Group by alert name group_wait: 30s # Wait time before sending the first notification group_interval: 5m # Interval between notifications repeat_interval: 1h # Interval to resend notifications receiver: email-notifications # Default receiver receivers: - name: email-notifications # Receiver name email_configs Feb 26, 2019 · I am not getting any data in grafana and even in Prometheus. KubeSchedulerDown # Meaning # Kube Scheduler has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. For meeting: https://calendly. cc @witekest Aug 4, 2022 · The issue is solved, my express server was running on my system host and Prometheus was running inside docker. From Mike Johnson: Many people familiar with monitoring are concerned about creating yet another alert sprawl generator when migrating to a new platform such as Prometheus. Jan 8, 2025 · Prometheus alert rules for node exporter. yml config Watchdog # Meaning # This is an alert meant to ensure that the entire alerting pipeline is functional. This alert fires when the service is down for more than 5 minutes. In the console I can use a host label, ie. May 7, 2020 · What happened? kube-controller-manager target is down, because "server returned HTTP status 400 Bad Reques": Did you expect to see something different? I want to see its status is UP, which is ok o Jul 19, 2022 · I just installed the latest kube prometheus stack (kube-prometheus-stack-37. Alert relabeling is applied after external labels. This alert is always firing, therefore it should always be firing in Alertmanager and always fire against a receiver. rule_files: # - "first. These are APIs that expose database functionalities for the advanced user. Changing kubernetes PrometheusTargetSyncFailure # Meaning # This alert is triggered when at least one of the Prometheus instances has consistently failed to sync its configuration. KubeProxyDown # Meaning # The KubeProxyDown alert is triggered when all Kubernetes Proxy instances have not been reachable by the monitoring system for more than 15 minutes. Jun 1, 2015 · If a pod is deleted (say by mistake), it disappears as a target from prometheus. 76470588235294% of kubelet targets are down. In your case query up == 0 will return result whenever any instance is down (since you have for clause in your rule, whenever it is down for 5 minutes). e. For example, with a 15-second interval, a timeout of 10-12 seconds is usually ideal. It should give only Site 1 - Node 1 down alert. Instance Down Alert: AlertmanagerConfigInconsistent # Meaning # The configuration between instances inside a cluster is inconsistent. Check the logs for the appropriate Prometheus Apr 1, 2022 · I have deployed prometheus, node exporter and alert manager on kubernetes and I am trying to create an alert rule to check if any specific pod is running or not. Oct 7, 2024 · The up metric is a default Prometheus metric that reports whether a target is alive (1) or down (0). Impact # kube-proxy is a network proxy that runs on each node in your cluster, implementing part of the Kubernetes Service concept. Is t Nov 22, 2021 · I would like to create an alert if a Windows service is down. Kubelet on each node seems to be functioning properly, Kubelet has disappeared from Prometheus target alert is firing. rules files as below: Dec 19, 2019 · It makes more sense to ask questions like this on the prometheus-users mailing list rather than in a GitHub issue. Critical/MissingData <=0 \>0: Kubernetes - Kube Scheduler Down: This alert is fired when Kube Scheduler disappears from Prometheus Sep 4, 2023 · prometheus | ts=2023-09-05T06:01:08. go:1372 component="scrape manager" scrape Dec 3, 2019 · First step is to define an alert, in Prometheus, fired at the time you want the inhibition to take place: - alert: BackupHours expr: hour() >= 2 <= 3 for: 1m labels: notification: none annotations: description: 'This alert fires during backup hours to inhibit others' Oct 31, 2019 · I use Telegraf ping plugin to ping the ip addresses of a few hosts and write the response to InfluxDB “ping” measurement. Impact # You have an unstable cluster, if everything goes wrong you will lose the whole cluster. groups: - name: Count greater than 5 rules: - alert: CountGreaterThan5 expr: ping_request_count > 5 for: 10s Now let's run Prometheus using the following command. Sep 5, 2024 · This ensures that if a target is slow, Prometheus doesn’t get stuck waiting and can move on to the next target. summary = Targets are down In our example, we have defined one rule that is checking whether the application is down using metric up{job="web-app"}. g. Often, this alert was observed as part of a cluster upgrade when a master node is being upgraded and requires a reboot. go:541 level=info msg="No time or size retention was set so using the default time retention" duration=15d prometheus | ts=2023-09-05T06:01:08. Impact # This alert represents a critical threat to the cluster’s stability. With this prometheus alerts tutorial you will be ready to send your alerts, and we just need to configure where to send. Jul 20, 2020 · Up metric is 0 for every job down, when all jobs are down on a node the sum is also down. Feb 17, 2023 · Hello Team, when target server goes down prometheus doesn’t send alert and its always in pending state below is the error we are getting from logs as well as target KubeControllerManagerDown # Meaning # KubeControllerManager has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. By themselves, the info-level alerts are sometimes very noisy, but they are relevant when combined with other alerts. 0 resolves these issues by allowing for the tracking of monitoring targets and time series that have disappeared. This approach enables monitoring across a diverse range of applications Is there any way to create an alert in Grafana to trigger when not all targets are healthy? In the example below the alert should trigger since not all 22 targets are up. 90:10250 but not the kube-scheduler endpoint, not sure where to check the logs for this problem. yml that are deployed to find what is wrong. <alertmanager_config> etcdInsufficientMembers # Meaning # This alert fires when there are fewer instances available than are needed by etcd to be healthy. It fires when at least 10% of scrape targets in a Service are unreachable. So TargetDown really means that Prometheus just can’t access your service, which may or may not mean it’s actually KubeAPIDown # Meaning # The KubeAPIDown alert is triggered when all Kubernetes API servers have not been reachable by the monitoring system for more than 15 minutes. Applications, which do not use kubernetes API directly, will continue to work. Sep 29, 2023 · Next we have to point Prometheus to a rules file, which for this example is called rules. How about only alerting when 25% of the instances are down? groups: - name: node. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. If it's deleted by mistake, it just disappears as a monitored target. Mar 18, 2020 · I have a k8s cluster deployed in openstack. Jun 14, 2024 · Getting alert 11. TargetDown # Meaning # The alert means that one or more prometheus scrape targets are down. So, it wasn’t express server wasn’t accessible from inside the docker. prometheus-operator. To answer your question, you will not need the pod to be up to be able to scrape its status metrics, you will gather those directly from the apiserver (via scaping kube-state-metrics endpoint). Critical/MissingData <=0 \>0: Kubernetes - Kube Node Not Ready: This alert is fired when a node is not ready. Jun 8, 2023 · We have installed prometheus in our GKE cluster using kube-prometheus-operator. Adding new runbook # How? # Figure out alert category from the alert name Open a PR with new file placed in correct component subdirectory. 0) with default setting in my GKE cluster. 5 using promtheus operator. It is packed in prometheus-operator. Prometheus adopts a unique pull-based model, periodically scraping metrics from target systems. Aug 5, 2021 · To fix this, try running both containers in the same docker-compose. x - Red Hat Customer Portal NOTE: If you are using macOS you first need to allow the Docker daemon to access the directory in which your blackbox. Sep 12, 2019 · Target down alert [ part of kube-proxy job ] is being correclty triggered, but kube-proxies are up and running. Impact # This is a critical alert. 7. It is triggered when specific scrape targets within a service remain unreachable ( up metric = 0) for a predetermined duration. com node1-4567. 15. Targets are configured in the prometheus. Alerting with Prometheus is separated into two parts. 101:9090). Knowing all this it is quite easy to exclude down targets in Prometheus. enable-admin-api is set. I have two sites, wherein 1 site has only 1 router down and Site 2 has all the nodes down. I think the same happens for auto-discovered kubernetes services. But when I check the actual endpoints, it all looks fine. 10 53/UDP,53/TCP 87d Jan 4, 2021 · PrometheusDuplicateTimestamps # Find the Prometheus Pod that concerns this. Dismiss alert {{ message }} All kublet target are down and not reachable from Mar 23, 2024 · If you start the prometheus container with --network=host instead of binding 9090, is the target scraped successfully? If so, you may need to reconsider either 1) how you're starting your service so that it's network accessible to prometheus or 2) how you're starting the prometheus container to adjust it's network/host access and configuration. I am getting the metrics and right now I have created a rule in prometheus. To remove the target, you will have to remove the target from service discovery (e. PrometheusTargetSyncFailure # Meaning # This alert is triggered when at least one of the Prometheus instances has consistently failed to sync its configuration. Sep 1, 2015 · A single instance going down shouldn't be worth waking someone up over. In practice this means that the only alert rule that would kick in is the "up" alert. Staleness handling in Prometheus 2. reachable, or 0 if the scrape failed. One use for this is ensuring a HA pair of Prometheus servers with different external labels send identical alerts. 2. Reload to refresh your session. When I am running the given expression, it is giving all the node down alerts. 0, branch=HEAD, revision Prometheus alert - alert: a target is down expr: up == 0 for: 5m labels: recipients_prod: customer1/sms,opsteam/ticket time_window_prod: 24x7 recipients: opsteam/chat time_window: 8x5 Per env recipients @roidelapluie Feb 24, 2023 · Tried increasing the scrape timeout to 1 min as well and tried changing the ports of the kube scheduler to 10251 & 10257, but nothing helped. What we. target alert_rules AlertmanagerClusterDown # Meaning # Half or more of the Alertmanager instances within the same cluster are down. From one of the Prometheus pod, I'm able to telnet to the "kubelet IP and port", i. rules rules: - alert: InstancesDown expr: avg(up{job="node"}) BY (job) These simple examples show just a small glimpse of the power of Prometheus alerting. These network rules allow network Certain metrics like up would persist for 5 minutes after the target had gone away, resulting in false positives in alerts and stale data from downed targets being wrongly used in PromQL queries. 1% of targets in default namespace are down. – Rahul. helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community. 2: KubeSchedulerDown KubeScheduler has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. I have found prometheus_sd_discovered_targets which contains the total amount of targets, but there does not seem to be a metric that exposes the number of healthy targets. example. An alert based on absent() is fired, but I have no information about what pod has gone missing. If you want to receive separate mails based on the alert types, enable the group_by in alertmanager. Prometheus collects cluster metrics to monitor the cluster's state. You switched accounts on another tab or window. How were they setup? Kubespray How many nodes? 9 wrk / 3 inf / 3 mst k8s version? 1. Impact # Configuration inconsistency can be multiple and impact is hard to predict. com/automateanythin. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue. Aug 24, 2019 · Open the targets list on prometheus web UI page, some kubelet targets are down. What happened? Followed the installation instructions to get kube-prometheus running on my kops cluster. I would like to know basics of how Prometheus operator scrapes Kubernetes proxy? also would like to know what configurations needs to be done to fix it. In this super simplified scenario where I have a clean fresh minikube that is running absolutely nothing other than Prometheus, there should be no problems and no alarms. The TargetDown alert fires when Prometheus has been unable to scrape one or more targets over a specific period of time. go:585 level=info msg="Starting Prometheus Server" mode=server version="(version=2. Mar 28, 2023 · Is there any way to add Host-name in Prometheus alert email, along with IP address and Port. By default Compose sets up a single network for your app. and I have followed some solution like changing the binding address of kube system Apr 13, 2018 · check your config in /etc/prometheus dir, type this: promtool check config prometheus. Expand the alerts to view the rule. New in v2. sum(up{hostname="somehost"}) and this is not possible in the rules config, but it seems like the expressions are evaluated with per target grouping by default, so expected the sum aggregation to have the per Apr 1, 2021 · Alerts for USE and RED. , 192. Diagnosis # Determine whether the alert is for the cluster or user workload Prometheus by inspecting the alert’s namespace label. rules" # A scrape Jun 28, 2018 · What did you do? I have configured service monitor for one of my custom application running as a pod. InfoInhibitor # Meaning # This is an alert that is used to inhibit info alerts. Use Relabeling to Filter Metrics. One particular cluster shows targetmissing/instance down for whatever reason. This means that etcd cluster has not enough members in the cluster to create quorum. com Dec 27, 2021 · I got an alert while configuring the monitoring module using prometheus/kube-prometheus-stack 25. com/ Dec 7, 2016 · # Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with # external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager). You signed out in another tab or window. If there is an issue, then Prometheus will send an alert to its AlertManager which will then alert the user. I was thinking on the lines of something like following for each target. Impact # Metrics and alerts may be missing or inaccurate. Initially, I used the default jsonnet file, when that did not work I added the kops mixin. Now because we’re using containers in this video, the IP address of the computer itself is used, along with the port that Alertmanager is listening on. In this case, the following alerts are visible in the AlertManager: description = 100% of kube-state-metrics targets are down. 17. Aug 10, 2023 · Right? But I would still give a shot. Mar 17, 2022 · The issue I am facing is, this alert is fired only when all 3 targets are down. connect on Fiverr for job support: https://www. Diagnosis # Run a diff tool between all alertmanager. Aug 11, 2023 · This Prometheus behavior means that if a target goes down Prometheus stops being interested in its metrics, excluding the built-in ones related to the scrape itself. 20. Impact # When etcd does not have a majority of instances available the Kubernetes and OpenShift APIs will reject read and write requests and operations that preserve the health Alerting Overview. Edit this page Sep 5, 2021 · Courses https://techbloomeracademy. Mitigation # See old CoreOS docs in Web Archive Nov 14, 2023 · Prometheus Architecture. I currently use the “default” ping method rather than the “native” ping method of the Telegraf ping plugin (see ping plugin documentation) since there was a recent issue with the Native Go Ping method, but this may now have been fixed) Alert relabeling is applied to alerts before they are sent to the Alertmanager. I would appreciate a swift assistance on this challenge. These metrics are exposed in a Prometheus-compatible format, typically over an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint. vwevgo dyzbvbw qltsraws xmriw eia wvfrk djitgu mthbw ccp bkgti