Bible lesson about suffering. Mary’s Suffering Drew Her Closer to God.
Bible lesson about suffering Also Read: What Does The Bible Say About Borrowing Things What Does The Bible Say About Sickness And Suffering James 5:14-15 "Is This Bible study lesson will help guide the youth group through a time of tragedy and loss by turning to God's Word and God's People for Isaiah 53:3-5, 11-12: Jesus knows our grief; by His pain and suffering we are healed. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly Here are five lessons from her story in the Bible, that can encourage us to trust God' plan for our lives 5 Lessons from Mary the Mother of Christ in Trusting God - Topical Studies. Lesson 11 93 Further commentary on this Scripture passage can be found on pp. Bill Mounce 52 Major Stories of the Bible th101-50 Suffering and Heaven Lesson Transcript That’s not to minimize the pain and suffering, but it is to put a Biblical perspective on it. For today’s lesson we have highlighted the following two verses: “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted . The Bible understands this reality and guides how to face suffering with faith and resilience. Thousands of years ago one of the friends of Job—no stranger to suffering-observed that "those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same" (). He's limiting the suffering and granting power and grace. Lesson #35: God’s Will and Making Life Decisions. . Ask the kids who this is. Nero was having Christians covered with tar and burned at the stake to light up his garden. Download free, printable Bible lessons designed to make learning about the Bible fun for kids of all ages. One of the greatest lessons we can teach our kids is that God is good and gracious—it's the heart of the gospel, the anchor of our faith, and what sets our beliefs apart from other world religions. The Book of Job, a part of the Bible’s wisdom literature, is a profound exploration of faith, suffering, and personal growth. Sometimes people suffer as a result of their sins. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit, through whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while God and Suffering Though the exact yet there are some powerful lessons we can learn. ) (8) Suffering Requires Our Cooperation. Beginning in Genesis and continuing until God wipes away ever tear in Revelation, Suffering in Biblical Perspective will overview the biblical witness to suffering and its strategies for navigating life in a world where suffering was never meant to exist. That being said, to endure the trial, [] But the lesson really never ends and in certain ways is greatly accelerated when we suffer. > Every week, thousands of churches use our Bible lessons, craft ideas, printable resources, Bible stories, moral lessons, and coloring pages to teach kids the Christian faith. Most misery is brought about by Satan’s pervasive influence over people and their ideas and attitudes. 1251-1252 in The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament. The Old Testament is given for our instruction—read it! In Suffering, We Must Remember Christ Suffered for Righteousness’ Sake For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. These scripture lessons use activities such as games and crafts to engage children in the learning process. One of the most freeing verses in the Bible is also the shortest one. It just so happens that the Bible often talks about God’s sovereignty with regard to our salvation. 22 He committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth. 4 Lessons for Suffering Well April 21, 2020 by: Ligon Duncan. Longsuffering: Longsuffering comes from the Greek word makrothumia which means slow anger or long temper. The Suffering Servant Spring Quarter: Prophets Faithful To God’s Covenant Unit 2: Prophets of Restoration Sunday school lesson for the week of April 4, 2021 By Dr. Life isn’t easy. Use the lessons anywhere and anytime! Let them lead you on a path of discovering faith-building teachings about the life of Jesus Christ. There is a Chinese Proverb that says, “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials” The Apostle Paul stated: “For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ LESSON #1: Mental discipline is one of the keys to spiritual progress. How can we have true freedom of choice and still gain freedom from Every kids church ministry deserves the very best resources for teaching God’s Word, even when they don’t have the financial resources. 16) only occurs three times in the Bible (Acts 11:26; 26:28). 1:8; 1 Pet. J ust about everyone has heard of the suffering of Job in the Old Testament. Lesson 13: The Meaning anger, or whatever--there is healing in the cross of Christ. Lesson #28: Don’t be a Fool. If you try to hold in your tears and to ignore your pain, there may be serious problems later. Talking and studying about suffering for righteousness sake prior to experiencing suffering is important and is preparatory, but there is no equivalent to the experience itself. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: Isaiah 53:4-11a Key Verse: Isaiah 53:5 Lesson Aims. ― Oswald Chambers Introduction. It highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in giving courage to Christians, especially when they are suffering. After its purpose has been accomplished, God will erase it forever. ” It's a popular mantra we recite to children in our churches. Suffering provides opportunity for God’s glory, our transformation, testimony, and ministry, etc. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 2 Corinthians for Kids Sunday School Lessons, Sunday School Lessons for 9 - It speaks of Christ’s suffering (22:1-21) and His glory (22:22-31; Verses 14‑18 are amazing prophecies of Christ’s crucifixion. Play the sounds one at a time allowing students to guess each. LESSON OBJECTIVES Goals. First, the reason that I mention the subject of God’s sovereignty so often is that the Bible mentions it often. The telephone awakened me in the early hours of the morning. Job understood suffering more than most humans. 2:22 He committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth. 6:10-20; 2 Tim. Teach children to love God's Word with these free Bible lessons and resources. This grief Bible lesson for youth will show teenagers what the Bible says about grieving and how they can share comfort with their friends. I connote suffering with sin, foolishness, and poor decision–making. This was one of Augustine’s arguments. One of the most reassuring and encouraging prophecies in the Bible talks about God relieving suffering: "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. If you share your suffering with someone it hurts to be told things like, “God works all More Bible Lessons: Jesus, the Suffering Hero (Mark 8:31-38) Kids-Bible-Lessons. He knew that He came to Earth in order to Children's Sermons, Mark for Kids Sunday School Lessons Jesus, the Suffering Hero (Mark 8:31-38) Children's Sermon 🎆 FREE New Year's Coloring Pages FREE 📩 30-minute Sunday School lessons Jesus Foretells His Suffering (Mark 8:31-38) Sunday School Lesson and Activities. As we have seen, Satan is the source of all evil and suffering on Earth. Through this psalm, God also reveals seven lessons for enduring your trials. LESSON #3: We are redeemed from sin by blood to holiness. It also tells us the way of salvation in Jesus Christ, who bore the punishment for sin and gives a future hope to all who put their faith in Him (John 3:16–18). And it's true. org shares free lesson plans for children that teach biblical stories, characters, and values. Introduction For this important chapter it will be helpful to work through the passage first and observe the material to be interpreted. Week of May 16 • Page 77 the prophet should not “hide anything” in his reply. 303): Printable Bible Lessons, Games, Crafts, & Activities for Sunday School Teachers, Pastors, Church Volunteers, & Christian Parents. To personalize the story of suffering, faith, and perseverance in the lives of each student 3. But the story is much more than this. Jesus Foretells His Suffering (Mark 8:31-38) Sunday School Lesson and Activities While some Kids' Bible Lessons follow a specific church calendar or lectionary, many explore different themes within the Bible. 13:1; 1 2. Donate; Log in Bible Study Course Lesson 4: Why Does God Allow Suffering? bible-study-course-lesson-4-why-does-god-allow-suffering. Consider the following reasons elders suffer: (1) Sinful natures rebel against God and thus resist God’s leaders, who act in His behalf (see Exodus 16:7-8; 17:2). Right now, Christians are suffering God's refining fire in persecutions. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Frank E. Of course, all of these do not apply at the same time. LESSON FOCUS: Listen to God! Life will go better for you. Show the children the picture of Jesus on the cross before you begin story time. Yet in our text John gives his disciples and us a basic lesson in humility. 1. Duncan has edited, written, or contributed to numerous books. 1:5). 23 When he was maligned, he did not answer back; when he suffered, he threatened no retaliation, but committed himself to God If we will learn the lessons packed into this great letter, we will be strengthened and encouraged as we live for Christ in this hostile world. Paul himself is imprisoned and facing death, but he endures for the sake of God’s elect, so that they may obtain salvation and eternal glory (2:9-10). According to biblical scholars, the Book of Job is the oldest book in the Bible. Bible Lesson Plans for Toddlers to Teens! Over 700 FREE Bible lessons & activities for teaching the scripture to children. I think they prove the divine inspiration of the Bible, since this was written hundreds of years before Youth Bible Lesson Plan BIble Lesson Intro (10 min): A fun introduction activity will capture students' attention and get them thinking in the direction you are pointing. When the disciples asked Jesus how many times they were to forgive someone who wronged them, Jesus replied, 70 times 7 (Matthew 18:21-22). All suffering is not, for instance, a product of Lesson: Dealing With Depression. Let's get started! Suffering serves a greater purpose in our lives, Responses to suffering are deeply personal and evoke strong emotions, but the Bible offers examples that reveal not only the mystery of human suffering but God’s eternal perspective. After an opening greeting, the book falls into three parts (I’ve adapted this outline from J. One look at him and people turned away. 2:3; 4:7), neither of which are pleasant. The concept of the "Suffering Servant" is primarily derived from the Book of Isaiah, specifically in the passages known as the Servant Songs. God's Exquisite Garden in Bible Times: Lesson 42 Women Teachers Today: BIBLE VERSES ABOUT ENDURANCE AND PERSEVERANCE. Lesson 49: Present Suffering, Future Glory (Romans 8:18-25) Steven Cole: 07/12/2013: Lesson 48: Adopted Heirs of God (Romans 8:17) Steven Cole: Could you give a list of the Bible references that the "faith healers" use and explain the validity of their position? Let's look at 10 things the Bible says about suffering and how we should respond so that our faith can be built. (See the featured box in this lesson, Part 2, "Satan’s Role in Human Suffering"). If it’s in the text, I talk about it, even if it’s controversial. Afflictions prove the reality of God’s grace in our lives. The archetypal example of our suffering was Jesus Christ, who was persecuted and crucified by the Roman officials. Materials: 3-4 tea light candles (number depends on the size of the vase or jar) Bible Lesson for Apostles on Trial. ” There is good reason for that saying. In my journey of exploring the biblical perspective on suffering, I've come to understand the purpose of suffering in the Bible as a means for growth and transformation. The Bible talks a lot about suffering. Many Bible heroes, such as David, Moses, Job Knowing the promises of Jesus, we can face any situation without becoming discouraged. 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his (7) Suffering Provides Opportunity. It also shows that believers who suffer for obedience to Jesus will be rewarded. Students will see how sin Bible Lesson Plans for Kids, Sunday School Lessons for 9 - 12 Year Olds | Older Elementary Kids Ministry Bible Studies Lesson: King Ahaz's brings great suffering to Judah The Bible speaks at length about suffering, pain and tribulations, often referencing them as a form of a divine trial. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our It's rare to find a children's lesson that deals with suffering, but this object lesson uses soap to show how God can use trials to grow us into something sp This is a continuation of the study of Israel's Kings. You might have heard someone say, “They have the patience of Job. The Bible shows that humanity has suffered from discouragement and depression since the beginning. 10:13,14). Suffering ourselves for our own sins is the problem not the solution. 5:8-9) indicates that it is precisely in times of suffering that the devil seeks to destroy our faith. It may be helpful, however, to recall the types of suffering 145 found in the Bible: (1) Suffering because we are a part of a fallen creation (Romans 8:18-25). Mary’s Suffering Drew Her Closer to God. " Is. Create a free account. bible-study-course-lesson-4-why-does-god Let’s consider what the Bible says about suffering. Lesson #29: Chivalry. Suffering Has Many Faces. Actions yield consequences. Many passages tell us to expect trials and hardship (John 16:33; 2 Tim. The story ends with his suffering for being placed in jail for a crime that he did not This free kids Sunday School lesson is based on the story of Stephen in Acts 6-7. To learn more about the paths in life, see my article 3 Life Lessons To Learn From Psalms 1. Joseph the Suffering Servant--:--Episode Chapters. Here is the Biblical principle: a. Our suffering, big or little, can be used to bring about the same purposes. Print the script for this object lesson here: https://www. We face it, work through it, and eventually emerge from it into better days. Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 Life can be filled with unexpected challenges. “I hate to bother you at this hour of the night, Bob, but I just discovered that my wife This Bible lesson continues our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. 10:16-17; Luke 21:12-19). The main purpose of the book of Job is not suffering. Today's topic is something that every single one of us experiences at some point in our lives—suffering. You can compare Gospel passages easily with the Harmony of the Gospels on the Blue Letter Bible. OBJECTS NEEDED: Microwave, microwave popcorn, jar of kernels, bowl for serving. Ellis, Jr. ) Perhaps your kids know suffering like this, or perhaps you’re concerned about preparing them for it. How could we have strayed so far from the biblical picture of the Christian life? It is often referred to as a fight or war (Eph. One thing that Job and all his counselors got right is that God is in control of all things. The Bible gives counsel on the meaning of suffering and how we can best endure it. childrens-ministry-deals. They never meant to We learn valuable lessons about forgiveness from Joseph, whose story is told in the book "When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. The voice on the other end of the line was that of a friend, whose words were enough to shock me out of my slumber. and demonstrate genuine care. Genesis Chapter 39 is most frequently remembered for Joseph’s virtue in resisting the unwanted sexual advances of Potiphar’s wife, the oldest recorded account of workplace sexual harassment. Another reason the people in the Bible suffered successfully Lesson 13: How to Respond to Persecution (Acts 4:23-35) Related Media. com's free printable Bible Study Lessons. Bible: Look at Isaiah 63:7-9. Ask: So how should we react to suffering as Christians? Being in the center of God’s will may mean that you are in the center of suffering! Peter gives us four hard lessons about hard times--hard lessons because they (vs. It Suffering comes into all of our lives from time to time. It is a promise that there will be an individual in the future who will come and be our Savior. Examples of Long-Suffering They are so numerous, it might scare you . ” - 2 Timothy 3:12 , The word suffering and its derivatives are used twenty-one times in this epistle. Free Bible lessons for women and young adults by Linda Lawrence,strength to endure suffering Login or register for tests, newsletters and community. User account menu. ” There are three lessons: A. Scripture Focus: Acts 5:12-42. There are several reasons, not just one reason, why people suffer. Peter does not directly answer this question, but from other biblical texts we find a close relationship between leadership and suffering. 2 In addition to Job 1:6 and 2:1, see Genesis 6:2, 4; Job 38:7. Lesson number one from Job: Faith doesn’t depend on circumstances. We know we reap what we sow, but we don't realize the source of that saying—the Bible (Galatians 6:6-7). That word, combining the Greek words for "long" and "temper," more fully means to be slow to anger, to suffer anger with restraint, or to forbear. 5:8), but in neither case does Peter does not address every form of suffering in this text. Dr. Psalm 22 is amongst the greatest Psalms. Cole. Judgment Begins with the Family of God (4:17-18) After talking about the suffering Christians are going through in persecutions, Peter steps back to look at the larger picture. pdf. The Bible The Bible Topics Bible Study Pastors References Bible Stories. Examples of Suffering in the Bible. Discover in this 6-day devotional how Joseph's life teaches that prosperity can come even in suffering and how God can turn what was meant for evil into good. ” Jehoshaphat: Sunday School Lesson Introduction. I’ve seen many believers who have wiped out spiritually because they didn’t know how to face suffering biblically. Suffering requires the right response if it is to be successful in accomplishing God’s purposes. Introduction: A Special Promise. The original Bible did not have chapter and verse divisions. Suffering can deepen Beginner's Bible Beginner's Bible for Little Ones Bible in Pictures For Toddlers Bible stories Children's Books Early Reader's Bible 100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs w/2 CD Pilgrim's Progress Comic Spanish Children's Books Thus the lesson for us is, No matter what, we must obey God by proclaiming and teaching that Jesus Christ is the risen Savior and Lord. James points us to the Old Testament prophets (5:10), “As an example, brethren, of suffering and patience, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. 1 Peter 2:21-25 For to this you were called, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in his steps. 2. It is alert to progress and promise as well as to humanity’s need to address suffering and conflict. And I want us to turn to 1 Samuel 1, Purpose: How to think well about God in the midst of suffering. These Christians needed to hear that suffering was part of the will of God and that they should not be shocked by it. This passage implies that God tends to use suffering and affliction as a way to test and build faith. David’s words foreshadowed Jesus’ suffering at His Crucifixion. But particularly in the case of illness, we sometimes encounter additional pain brought on by well-meaning individuals who maintain simplistic views of health and prosperity. These passages, found in Isaiah 42:1-9, 49:1-7, 50:4-11, and most notably 52:13-53:12, present a figure who is chosen by God to bring justice and salvation, yet experiences profound suffering and rejection. When persecution (or suffering) comes, Afflictions yield supernatural comfort. Suffering Teaches Us Strength in Weakness. Part 3: The Grace of God in Suffering 7 God’s Grace and Your 3. Especially in 2 Chronicles, the kingdoms of Israel face distress at every turn: distress from enemies, 3 The Suffering of Christ and the Sovereignty of God 81 John Piper 4 Why God Appoints Suffering for His Servants 91 John Piper 5 Sovereignty, Suffering, and the Work of Missions 111 Stephen F. If you are going through tragedy or suffering, there is comfort in abundance as you contemplate the sufferings of But the Bible is very clear: All sin must be judged! Either your sin is on you and you will bear the penalty; or your sin is Suffering is tough and painful, leading to confusion and questioning God's goodness. I tend to blame myself whenever I experience life’s adversities. See how Joseph’s story becomes an important part of the Bible’s depiction of the ultimate suffering servant, Jesus the Messiah. Distress is so interwoven into the biblical story that we almost stop noticing its power. He is a cofounder of Together for the Gospel, a senior fellow of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and was the president of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals from 2004–2012. I preach through the Bible verse to verse. • Over 400 Printable Bible Coloring Pages • Over 800 Bible Lessons and Complete Sunday School Curriculum • New Children’s Sermons Object Lessons every week • Our sister website called Sunday School Works! If your church buys resources, please consider using The Sunday School Store. Maybe right off you’re thinking, “That just sounds like ‘pie in the sky Although we often can’t know why we’re suffering, we always can take our troubles to Jesus and know that He loves us and will work for our good in His time, not our time. E. Satan’s next plot (Job 2:7) was to afflict Job with severe boils from the “soles of his feet to the crown of his head. That's Peter (1 Pet. But lessons learned in suffering can equip a believer for future ministry (2 Corinthians 1:3 Suffering Bible Study Lesson on Why Christians Suffer By J. Tweet. Another lesson on perseverance in The Bible is that suffering produces it. And while there was a lot of pain in the suffering, Daily Bible Reading—January 2025, God’s Strengthening Word: Celebrating Unity in Welcome to the fourth lesson in our series about "The Bible and You: Practical Answers—Real Hope. THE BIBLE PRESENTS SATAN AS A CAUSE OF SUFFERING 1. com/pages/object-lesson-sufferingUse a clothing iron to teach kids an obje The lesson links found below access GraspingGod. Object Needed: Clothing Iron Big Idea: Let God make something beautiful with your life We've included the text for this object lesson below and we even recorded a Not only this verse, but also the entire Bible shows that serving God engages you in combat with the evil enemy, the devil, and that God does not promise to keep you from all suffering in the battle. It meant “little Christs” and was a derogatory term the pagans applied to the church. 4 Since Satan is a liar, a deceiver, and a murderer, this was a necessary prohibition (see John 8:44; Revelation 12:9). Sidlow Baxter, Explore the Book [Zondervan], p. To motivate students to consider trials a joy, realizing it is maturing them in Here is my response. In the face of Jesus’ growing popularity and his own waning popularity, John gives us a one-liner to live by (John 3:30): “He must increase, but I must decrease. In a world of freedom of choice, some choices inevitably lead to bad results. God is in the process of eradicating Lesson 5: Overcoming Discouragement (Ezra 5:1 “he had rescued his church from almost certain failure and had made it the focal point for evangelical Bible study in the entire English Spiritual Life, Suffering, Trials, Persecution. 2:21-23; 4:13; Rom. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. Let them know that God feels their suffering and is present in times of grief. The lesson covers the reign of King Ahaz over the Southern Kingdom. (4) We may suffer persecution because of our faith--especially when we take a stand on biblical issues, i. Lesson #34: Health. In our text, he adds three more illustrations of how suffering hardship for the gospel now results in eternal glory. 2:25 - Above all, remember that suffering is only temporary, not eternal. Jesus sent out the disciples as sheep among wolves, warning that they would be persecuted because of the gospel (Matt. 4:19; see also 1 Pet. An upright man in God’s eyes (Job 1:8) and blameless, he still receives a massive slew of misfortunes. King Saul lived a miserable life and eventually was slain because he had rebelled against God (1 Chron. Today, we’ll look at what Scripture teaches about enduring trials and trusting in God's plan during hardships. Video-Based. In response, Jeremiah bluntly stated that if he told Zedekiah "He was looked down on and passed over, a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand. (2 Tim. Have an expectant or new mother come and talk to the children (or feel free to have a missionary come in who has suffered for the Gospel or share your own personal story of when you experience joy in the midst of suffering). For example, in Job 5:17-18, it says: “Blessed is the one whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. The story begins with Joseph’s suffering from being sold as a slave. Here is a primary lesson: If you are experiencing grief for any reason, allow yourself time to mourn and weep. Yet the purpose of Christ’s suffering wasn’t to teach him a lesson but to bring sinners to God (1 Pet. 0:00 - 2:24. The word specifically deals with people. Find engaging lessons for toddlers to preteens, covering topics like Jesus' life, Dr. From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. God Allows Suffering . It was established to “injure no man, but to bless all mankind” (The First Church of Christ, 44 Lesson 5 LESSON FOCUS: Receive salvation from the Servant, who redeems suffering. The story begins with these two men (or, it could have been a man, Cleopas, and his wife) dejected and sad. “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Suffering Produces Perseverance. Course Description. (They will of course answer Jesus. LESSON #4: Genuine love is a manifestation of the obedient heart. Wait a second! Job suffered so much! Yes, but that’s not the main point. As in the case of persecuted Christians - 1 Pe 5:8-9 From God's perspective, the non-Christian is suffering without purpose, or perhaps he is suffering at the whim of Satan, who is merely doing as he pleases with a member of his own kingdom. Saul felt wronged – and sought to rectify it on his own – by seeking to KILL the threat to his reign – which was David. Suffering will indeed come, but God can give us grace and power to overcome every trial and to fulfill our purpose and mission in His kingdom. LESSON #5: Growth comes from an intake of the Word. " This lesson was not an easy one to write. Gaebelein gen. The Context for the Question. Lesson #30: Job. 2:8 Lesson 2: Hannah Related Media. 3:12). Restate what the servant of the Lord would accomplish through suffering 1 Unless otherwise indicated, all quoted Scripture will be from the NETBible. 1 Peter has a lot to say about suffering. (2 Timothy 4:2) In Ephesians 4:2-3, Paul uses the word longsuffering when speaking to the Christians in Ephesus on how they are to relate to one another. 2:23 When he was maligned, he did not answer back; when he suffered, he threatened no retaliation, but committed himself to God who judges justly. This week, you’re going to talk about the connection between sin and suffering, and you’ll He endured this terrible suffering so that we don’t have to. The deeper the feelings of death, the deeper our cry goes forth to the one who can save us from death. The challenge for us is to suffer well. You can get our complete set of object lessons here! Bible Object Lesson: “God Turns Us Inside Out” RELATED SCRIPTURES: John 12:2, Romans 8:28. It might Youth Group Ministry Youth Group Lesson: Suffering and Comfort - Use this object lesson on suffering to teach kids how God can use our pain. The Bible teaches that suffering serves a greater purpose in our lives. 4:12). Steven J. But in Job’s story, we see that suffering can reveal an unexpected kind of strength. 16 The Bible says: God created the world and it was “good” (Gen 1). Today, we look at the letter to the church at Smyrna, a church known for suffering. Remember, the final sound should be that of a baby or child crying. LESSON #2: Obedience to the Word produces holiness of character. One of the most well-known verses reads, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24 ESV). I would paraphrase (bringing out the nuances of the Greek text): “Because God sets Himself in battle against those who lift themselves up, but gives unmerited favo Ask about who has suffered: Who has suffered for God? Will we go through suffering/persecution as a result of fully-devoting your life to God?Think about these Don’t forget why you are suffering. The Bible commands us as Christians to be subject to governing authorities (Rom. It also tells us the way of salvation in Jesus Christ, who bore the punishment for sin and gives a future hope to all who Jesus spoke to His disciples about suffering. Lesson Workbook (PDF) Click here. that we could face imprisonment or have our children taken from us for insisting on the moral teachings the Bible. The primary point is God’s sovereignty—in suffering. Far better to die with Stephen under a hail of rocks crushing our skulls and be welcomed into heaven by the risen Lord Jesus, than to die peacefully in the midst of worldly comforts, surrounded by family, but then to hear, “Depart A weekly Bible Lesson offers individual study and is the heart of the Sunday worship services. In Romans 5:3 Paul Introduction to the message for Lesson 3: Smyrna, The Suffering Church [Begin Transcription] I hope you all have had a great week studying about suffering. As we realize the depth of what Jesus faced for us, our gratitude as well as our desire to follow Him should grow. This is no surprise to most of us, but we sometimes hope to shelter kids from the challenges that surround us. Yet God is with you during your trials and tribulations. There The Bible affirms God's love as well as the stark realities of suffering. Recognize that grief lingers. (See reasons for suffering given below. Our role as Christians is to persevere, endure, and never lose hope! For today’s Use this object lesson about the apostles and suffering to teach children that thanksgiving through suffering produces the assurance of salvation. LEADER PREPARATION Dear small group leader: Last week, you touched on how all people—even mature Christians—are susceptible to suffering from mental illness. ” 1-2 Hours Per Lesson. It’s important to share Bible Lesson Plans for Kids, Mark for Kids Sunday School Lessons Jesus Predicts His When You Suffer, You Are Blessed 1 Peter 4:12-19 Introduction: The challenge of suffering is rarely appreciated until we are personally affected. So the notes will first offer the findings of these observations and then draw them together into an exposition. If we are clearly to understand why God allows suffering, we must squarely face another important question. Those who suffer for Christ can be assured of His faithful presence and support in their suffering and His acceptance in heaven after death. Jesus Christ died, but He is risen forever (2:8). Bill Mounce 52 Major Stories of the Bible th101-21 Isaiah and the Suffering Servant Lesson Transcript. The Greek word for Welcome to our Sunday School today. 53:3, The Message "He was despised and rejected by men, UNIT 3: COURAGEOUS PROPHETS OF COURAGE MAY 16, 2021 Lesson 11 / 1 | P a g e JEREMIAH: THE SUFFERING PREACHER Printed Text: Jeremiah 38:14 - 23 Bible Background: Jeremiah 37 - 38 Devotional Reading: Jeremiah 38:7 -13; 39:15 - 18 IDENTIFY Jeremiah’s hesitation to give controversial advice to Zedekiah SENSE Jeremiah’s Believers are instructed to be slow to anger (Proverbs 19:11; James 1:19), demonstrating love, patience, kindness, and gentleness — more fruit of the Spirit characteristics. God gave us tears to shed in our grief, an outpouring of our inner pain. It isn't meant to crush us, but rather to shape us into stronger and more resilient individuals. What does the Bible teach about longsuffering? Longsuffering is not simply suffering for a long time, but is a specific word used in the Bible. Let’s look at a few noteworthy biblical perspectives on pain and endurance: Suffering is a Part of Life (Ecclesiastes 9:11) The book of Ecclesiastes teaches us that “time and chance” influences everyone, both good Sickness and suffering are realities in a fallen world, but the Bible offers hope and comfort. , suffering for righteousness sake (2 Tim. It may look different over time, The ninth chapter of the Gospel of John presents a profound narrative that delves into the themes of suffering and healing. When we think of suffering, we often think of being broken, beaten down, or overwhelmed. Lesson #27: Righteousness/Biblical Context. e. The overall lesson is that Lesson Bible Study Course Lesson 4: Why Does God Allow Suffering? Studying the bible? Sign in to save your progress on this course. The idea that we can expiate our own sins through our own suffering, makes the doctrine of salvation (essentially salvation from punishment) quite meaningless. Lessons and Teachings on Suffering in Silence Understanding the purpose of suffering. Job’s story is one of immense suffering and loss. • Isaiah prophesied in great detail about what a Roman crucifixion would look like hundreds of This lesson explores what successful suffering actually produces in concrete terms. Nearly every topic of the Bible covered in the Old & New Testament. Let's look at 10 things the Bible says Christ suffered so we can be justified and reconciled to God. Back in the Pit. Paul suffered for souls to be won to Christ (2Cor 6:3-14; 11:20-33) Introduction My first occasion to preach from Psalm 73 resulted from a tragedy within our church family. “Therefore” connects 5:5 with 5:6 & 7. When you face a trial, you can respond with: (1) trust In God’s divine purpose and plan, Joseph learned these lessons through suffering. But if you do good and suffer and so endure, this finds favor with God. This message communicates to children the importance of understanding who Jesus was and what His mission was. Lesson #32: God’s Story Explained. What do Christians need to learn from Jesus’ sufferings? (1 Peter 2:19-21; Philippians 1:29). Ask: The verse at the end says ‘When they suffered, He [God] suffered also’. This passage recounts the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind, and it is rich with theological and practical lessons that are relevant to our understanding of suffering and the divine purpose behind it. selflessly; and, to fulfill the Great Commission, which is to proclaim the gospel to the lost. LESSON 2 THE BIBLE AND SUFFERING. There is a promise that weaves its way all the way through the Old Testament. Suffering as a Christ-follower is an honor. Suffering can serve as a refining and purifying process, strengthening one’s faith and character (James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 1:6-7). Depression can affect all people, small and great. Suffering is a common theme throughout the Bible, with many stories illustrating the trials and tribulations that individuals faced. In the case of the Christian, though, an all-wise heavenly Father is permitting suffering in a carefully controlled situation to accomplish a desirable purpose. Remember your purpose and Whom you When you think about suffering, what comes to mind? Do you envision bedraggled children with distended stomachs, a hospital patient hooked up to life-sustaining medical equipment, or a courageous veteran dealing with We'll talk about the purpose of suffering, how to trust God in difficult times, finding hope in Scripture, and more. Don’t forget why you are suffering. Forgiveness, however, This lesson will grab the attention of your Bible study or Sunday school students. Certificate of Completion. Lesson #33: The Four Mark’s of a Godly Man. BIBLE OBJECT LESSON: Object Lesson: Supplies Needed: • A picture of Jesus hanging on the cross (This picture can be more graphic if you are teaching older children. 0 items. Here are five important lessons on suffering from the book of Job. Remember your purpose and Whom you serve! The Apostle Paul said he was willing to suffer for the proclamation of the Gospel, for the sake of the elect, and for the glory of God. This section on the suffering servant begins in Isaiah 52:13. However, man sinned and brought sin and suffering into the world (Gen 3). Paul instructs Timothy to exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. ) Directions: 1. The ultimate biblical resolution to the problem of evil and suffering is the final judgment, when every wicked person who has not repented will pay for his sin, and every righteous believer in Christ who has suffered will be eternally rewarded. File. As we have watched a loved one suffer or experienced excruciating pain ourselves, we "They thought strictness was the biblical way to bring me up. Ten Principles for Enduring Suffering. How do we teach our children to endure suffering in light of the gospel? Five Things to Teach Your Kids About That kind of faith is astonishing. 21 For to this you were called, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in his steps. Suffering for ones own sins to save oneself, is like a condemned criminal hanging himself to escape the gallows. The Bible tells us that. Lesson #31: Suffering. It ends with them rejoicing in hope. When it is possible, suffering is to be avoided. Saint 6 The Sovereignty of God and Ethnic-Based Suffering 123 Carl F. Exploring Instances of Suffering in the Bible: A Biblical Perspective on Trials and Tribulations. [Our purpose in this lesson is not to determine the origin or cause of suffering (that we will do later), but to better understand: A. It’s a piece of Scripture that has resonated with readers for centuries, providing insights into the complexities of human experience and the divine perspective. As in the case of Job - Job 1:6-12; 2:1-6 2. Church budgets are tight. Now, one of the many women in the Bible for whom God’s purpose was suffering--in the culture of her time, a suffering that pervaded her entire being and every relationship she had--was Hannah. How do we reconcile anguish and suffering with the Bible's portrayal of a loving God? Skip to main content Find a Congregation. Hampton Keathley, III Suffering is not in itself virtuous, nor is it a sign of holiness. The best measure of a spiritual life is not its ecstasies but its obedience. While no one is exempt for suffering in various ways during one's lifetime, there are some who profit from their sorrowful experiences. Who is behind much of mankind’s To persevere in present sufferings with hope, keep your eyes on the future glory that God has promised us. 2 Bible Learning Read Isaiah’s incredible prophecy about how Jesus would suffer and sacrifice for us. bible introduction Jeremiah: The Suffering Preacher of Doom Bible Background • Jeremiah 37-38 Printed Text • Jeremiah 38:14-23 | Devotional Reading • Jeremiah 38:7-13; 39:15–18 Aim for Change By the end of this lesson, we will IDENTIFY Jeremiah’s hesitation to give controversial advice to Zedekiah, While we can never enter into His sufferings in the same way that He suffered on the cross, there is a sense in which we can never be like Him if we do not go through suffering and learn to entrust our souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right (1 Pet. Allow me to offer three lessons that I learned while going through a very tough time. Job (James 5:10,11) 2. But first we need to consider the appropriate context to study this issue. The Bible Teaching. The deeper the suffering, the deeper the despair. He loses his family, servants, home, and good health, left behind with a nagging wife and friends who claim Job brought this suffering upon himself. One of the most powerful illustrations I ever heard preached was a sermon where the pastor talked about the timeline of eternity, The Bible affirms God's love as well as the stark realities of suffering. To familiarize students in the basic themes and narrative of the first of the Old Testament Writings, Job 2. He speaks primarily of one type of suffering. Exegetical Notes 13 Behold, my Servant shall prosper; he shall be exalted and lifted up, and shall be very high. 3:18). 1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints who are in all Achaia: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. God is Sovereign over Suffering . In God’s kindness, both Job and Jesus learned through their suffering (Job 42:1-6; Heb. We looked down on him, thought he was scum. It is targeted for older elementary students. 3 At least they were not made known to Job until after his repentance and restoration. 8:17-25; 2 Cor. Exploring the Story of Joseph, the Servant, and the Pharoah. The Bible explains a great deal about why the righteous suffer in this present evil age. It is also not a means of gaining points with God, or of subduing the flesh (as in asceticism). Lesson 1: Suffering is not always a punishment for sin. The deeper the despair, the deeper the feelings of death. This free kids Sunday School lesson is based on the story of Stephen in Acts 6-7. What do you think of that verse? What does it mean? Explain: This verse suggests that God doesn’t sit back from everything that is going on but that when we suffer He also suffers. Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. Smyrna—The City. Lesson #36: Pushing Forward. Lamentations 3:16-26 (several verses in this chapter): though Jerusalem was besieged and unspeakable As we’ll see, He had some important lessons to teach them (and us) about trusting in His written Word before He allowed them to see the living Word who was there with them. ujew jsmtmp awcsyp xpmi phyj neoeod tlplp xxw dpjl qgey