Home assistant template state @pnbruckner Last hour sensor. components. state}} and {{state_attr(‘weather. februar’, ‘tirsdag 2. sun. from_state. sun", "elevation") I did this so that if the state is ‘unknown’ it won’t throw up any errors. I’m trying to achieve Alexa Announce using notify. This subset is referred to as “Limited Templates”. Template Binary Sensor. State conditions are used to check if a state or attribute is equal to a given value. last_updated is not The introduction of this feature allows me to easily share all the templates I’ve helped you create over the years in a single easy-to-use template library! All in your native language! Introducing Easy Time Jinja A 1-stop-shop for easy time calculations. What should I use. 116. You can set the device class of the entity to a window sensor, which will then mean that (by default) it’ll show as open/closed in the UI and with an icon that changes state. spotify', 'source_list') }} This attribute holds a list as an values but the template resolves only to the first item of that list: ['OnePlus 3'] The development tools show me that the attribute source_list does indeed hold a list of sources. But the access point the dummy script as a catch all is a bit hacky. State-based template entities have the special template variable this available in their templates. First of all I am a total coding noob. sun', 'elevation') }}" # Can be a positive or negative number Then you can create a template switch that has state feedback to determine the device state using a value_template. I do this by monitoring the open close state of her door. condition}}" That’s working. - sensor: - name: dailyconditionforecastffm state: "{{state_attr('weather. but reports an Unknown state in my configuration. solaredge_current_power>sensor. If you use the recommended modern format, the whole structure is different. sensor %} {{ state. The view I want it in (names obviously removed): defaut. entity,'friendly_name'). The template below seems to work fine for combining The sensor updates by state change and ignores the time pattern. So if the temperature is already above 50. It is a template extension that accesses the attributes property of the state object. If it exceeds 255 characters, I suggest you use the template in an this. From Trigger-Based Template Sensor documentation:. So basically there are 3 states: home, away and sleeping. I have magnet sensors on all my doors and windows. This new I have also seen templates where instead of “state: >” they use “value_template: >-”. You’ve defined a Template Sensor called sensor. or automation Automations in Home Assistant allow you to Hi I have been trying to figure out if it’s possible to create a customized state-badge. I also tried to manually call the homeassistant. yaml cards: - type: glance show_header_toggle: false show_name: false show_state: true entities: - entity: Template and action variables . Below is a screen shot of the entity sensor. update_entity service but that also did not update the In my template i access the attribute with the state_attr function: {{ state_attr('media_player. This is done by specifying templates for properties of an entity, like the name or the state. panasonic_aircon state isn't already idle condition: or conditions: - condition: state checking the states as home/not_home. state }} {% endfor %} In the loop above the keywords are “for” and “in” which means for each state within the list to all states of a sensor, then on line 2 we output Hi there, This is a bit of a confusing calculation that I am looking at. counter. I currently have something like: - service: script. I use the people entity, so just need help on the syntax to write an array or something using Jinja that holds the entities, then I can use a for loop to add a number each time someone arrives home but subtracts a number when someone is not home. Unfortunately it shows as states instead of a line graph. On the graph in Lovelace it shows “No State History Found” but if I click on the graph I do see the history bar. Although Home Assistant continues to support legacy format, when configuring new I have a numeric value helper (“desired_pool_min_temp”) I’d like an automation to trigger when a sensor’s reported temperature goes above that helper value PLUS an offset. # Example notify_on_state_changed: alias: "Notify on state changed" mode: parallel fields: the_entity: description: "Entity that will notify its state change" example: light. Their options list can be either static or dynamically generated by a template. sun value_template: "{{ state_attr('sun. Unfortunately, it seems to still process the state: template, even though it will discard its output. I tried using a state template to force the state to show What card do you want to use? The normal entity card will only show the state: type: entity entity: switch. What am I missing in my YAML? - platform: template You marked “Change the name to something else” as the Solution to the original problem? @Brett_C is the person who supplied the solution to create a template_sensor. The closest hack I found was including the whole state template code with !secret. {% for s in states. Converting from speeds to percentage . gas_meter_counter. Could someone help me code this template sensor? - platform: template sensors: solar_consumption: if sensor. You need a template sensor. But am not able to identify how to do it inside the Template Editor. Instructions on how to integrate Template Binary Sensors into Home Assistant. wiser_thermostat", "hvac_action") }}' Then we create 3 more sensors which use the ‘‘History_stat’’ to grab the time the sensors has been in ‘‘Heat’’ mode, bare in mind this will only start from when I’m sure this is doable, I’ve created a template card that toggles the state of a blind. above_horizon {{ states. februar’, ‘fredag 26. I know the template “virtual” switch follows the state of the source entity. An entity has a state and also optional attributes. thing') as part of the attribute template but moved over to using Home Assistant: Templates. energy_consumption_total remains unknown. To do this I used 3 sensors for each state. Just use > everyone who uses >- is just copying from others who used it. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. How are you HASS users checking attribute values? This is an example of the statement which litters the log file with the above messages: {{ The introduction of this feature allows me to easily share all the templates I’ve helped you create over the years in a single easy-to-use template library! All in your native language! Introducing Easy Time Jinja A 1-stop-shop for easy time calculations. I guess one approach would be to add a trigger rule to the template sensor and then access the trigger’s entity ID in the state template code. How are you HASS users checking attribute values? This is an example of the statement which litters the log file with the above messages: {{ So I like how the groups display all the entities under it when you click on it. 5 not able to choose the state_class: total increasing in order to include it in the energy board. If sensor. switch_158d0001a9dbdc click_type: single condition: # check climate. state }} - this gives me sun’s current state. Often, a helper entity will be required to store the state value for the Template Select. Futhermore: The sensor and its attributes should have no values at Home Assistant reboot / restart. Is there some additional configuration step I am missing? - platform: template sensors: living_room_blinds_1_battery: # Hvac Activiy - platform: template sensors: hvac_activity: friendly_name: 'HVAC Activity' value_template: '{{ state_attr("climate. I have tried sensor template, but that converts the switch to a sensor. neato. One similar to the below, however, will utilise the “Current: 1” attribute state. yaml I read quite a bit on how things changed with the 2024. 4: don’t even bother learning it, the - removes whitespace which is already done by default in templates on home assistant. It will only trigger when the state of the template changes from false to true. g. Home Assistant. Out of interest - has anyone tried waiting until Home Assistant has fully started, Spoke to soon. update_entity service but that also did not update the Template Selects create an entity that acts like an Input Select Helper in the front end, but more like an automation behind the scenes. Hey liebe Community Um einen guten Überblick über den Zustand der HA zu bekommen, habe ich verschiedene Sensoren erstellt. None of this changes the actual state, just what cards that support translations will show. old_state }} <---- This is what I want But it does not seem to Hi, I have a zigbee powermeter which doesn’t count correctly (wrong pulse config), so I thought creating a “virtual” sensor with the right counting. vacuum. xxx to: docked condition: - condition: template value_template: '{{ trigger. my_switch If you use an entities card, you can show the state instead of the toggle by using type: simple-entity:. When trigger on state change happens, there is always “new_state” and “old_state” that sensor was in before For sun for example: {{ states. So I was looking for a way to parameterize !secret-included template code with my entity ID. pentair. For Needing some help on a template to list all running automations. sensor. State-based template entities have the special template variable this available in their templates and actions. template: - trigger: - platform: state entity_id: 'sensor. sensor: - platform: template sensors: util_meter: state_class: Defines a template to get the state of the cover. alias: Vacuum Finished description: '' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: vacuum. Has something changed that I’ve missed? This is an example of sensor template: temperatura_netatmo: friendly_name: Temperatura Netatmo value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate. I created a template sensor of an weather integration using a subentity. But is there a similar way I should use to modify this: states. But I don’t like how it displays the state as on or off for some of my groups. @lolouk44 Your suggestion seemed promising, but didn’t fix it. mobile_app_s20fe data_template: message: "You'll get reminder Hi, Remember seeing it on the forum before, but just cant find it sorry, so please let me ask: what is the correct value_template for adding the value of all sensors ending with _actueel I now have a value_template that Edit May 14th, 2019: The latest code and instructions are available on GitHub at: Original post: I have many battery powered devices that have various methods to track battery level. # Example configuration. turn_on data_template: entity_id: > {%- if is_state('sensor. But this will show last_changed, how can I show the last time it has changed to something specific? (just on, or jus off ect) New H. 09 seconds ago), resulting in ridiculous values and inability to Has anyone made a 3 way sensor? I am looking for a way to make a sensor that displays one of 3 states based on inputs from 2 binary sensors. lamp. yaml): sensor: - platform: template sensors: samsung_washing_time: friendly_name: 'Remaining time' value_template: >- {% if states. I’ve created a picture entity card separately, as a test, and this pulls the correct template sensor state and For example, state replaces the old format’s value_template. last_changed I created a template sensor for the temperature of my bathroom climate component. Hi All, I use this condition in HA 0. Also you do not need a template for this. cameras with 3 entities of my cameras, 2 of them are ‘On’ state and 1 is ‘Off’ state So I want to show up in my Hello sir! I have this working for quite a while now. A sensor has exactly one state: for example, a Can anyone help me understand the correct way to refer to the state value of a sensor when setting an attribute? I have been using states('sensor. Templates for some triggers as well as trigger_variablesonly support a subset of the Home Assistant template extensions. alexa_media service, but with some state attributes. state To this: states(‘sun. The order of operations on template sensors (without triggers) is: availability; state; everything else You marked “Change the name to something else” as the Solution to the original problem? @Brett_C is the person who supplied the solution to create a template_sensor. I would like to change the state label to open closed. two Then I would to condition the script to run only if all the lights are off. See Binary sensor - Home Assistant 1 Like So I have gone through all my configuration and changed things like this: states. What am I doing wrong here? This is a test for just one sensor, but I would rather have it for all off the same Spoke to soon. Dokładnie tak, to nowy sposób definiowania template, stary sposób jaki pokazuje @artpc jest nadal poprawny ale niedługo (na razie brak informacji kiedy ale trochę to potrwa) zostanie wycofany z HA, już jest o tym Hi , i’ve got an problem with condition templating. tv_lights the_state: description: "Initial state of entity at the beginning" example: "off" sequence: - service: notify. alarm_keypad. I’ve tried the following: - alias: 'Nick changed zone' trigger: platform: state entity_id: person. Triggers from all platforms will include the following data. thermostat. Wenn ein neues OTA- oder HA-Update vorhanden ist: sensor: - platform: template sensors: #Sensor der neue Updates prüft Add the ability to use action condition trigger on state change. So I crawled around the forum looking for anything I could around history_stats and only one person had an issue due to typo whereas Hi all. last_updated. template] Could not render template from the HASS log file, but I have been unable to use the is_state() function. I guess I have misunderstood the funtionality of the time pattern trigger. split(' Again it depends on what the actual state of the sensor is when the door is closed. Basically, we pitched in to I set up an automation to send me a notification whenever my vacuum cleaner changes its “error” state to one of the many pre-configured errors. I tried using a state template to force the state to show This type of condition can use value templates to modify the value before testing it. So I need something like condition: "{{is_state(lights,'off I am trying to remove all the [homeassistant. I can do this by specifying a ton of “if” statements for each device I’d like to look for, but I am hoping it is possible to template out easier and more dynamically. Anyway I solved the problem with burying your code inside the message. 4. It’s for my dishwasher. It allows you to customise and transform entities in home assistant thanks to Jinja2 templating. In diesem Video erlebt ihr den einfachen Einstieg in die Nutzung von Home Assistant Templates. I keep writing templates that work absolutely fine when looked at via the gui but then return nothing when in my config. dark_sky_minutely_summary contains the string “cloud” (e. ui-lovelace. helligkeit','last_updated') is basically equivalent to states. XXX name: "machine_working" json_attributes_path: XXX json_attributes: - connected value_template: "OK" - platform: template sensors: workers_connected: friendly_name: "Machine Connected" I did but nothing happened. yaml - platform: template covers: persiana_suite: value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean. They can be configured using UI or YAML file. I added value_template, Latitude (value_template: "{{ state_attr('zone. Wenn aktiv, werden sie bei mir im Header I want to create a template sensor that has a state and has its own sensor attributes. sala I’ve tried Hey, I’m trying to make something that looks like a SWAKES Sensor counter, but I can’t figure it out by myself. Wir gehen Schritt für Schritt durch die Grundlagen von Templates bis zu einer unkomplizierten Beispielautomatisierung. state will be current. I have a similar problem, in my case I just need the minimum value for the “cost”. So far I have come up with this code in my templates. I’m wanting to make a display that tells me how long our baby has been in bed. - platform: template sensors: your_three_state_sensor: friendly_name: 'Three Is The Best Number' value_template: > EDIT: Nevermind. I did find an excellent post on here and have successfully created a cover template to control this for a Hello there, so I am trying to make a template sensor telling me the state of a person based on the mobile app and the router device tracking. I have a switch in a glance card and the state shows as on or off. So to loop through them you could use: {% for attr in states. user here and this community forum is awesome for getting beyond the basics. binary_sensor. In case any of the 2 sensors is unavailable/unknown, the template should become unavailable. The old format, now called “legacy” format, is still acceptable and the community forum is filled with examples (because it was the only way to configure Template Sensors for several years). Template. mars’, ‘torsdag 4. This line collects all sensors including sensor. When converting a fan with 3 speeds from the old fan entity model, the following percentages can be Hi all I have a lot of template sensors with state_attr and I see that all of them are not working anymore. Example logic: Sensor 1 on, sensor 2 off = state 1 Sensor 1 off, sensor 2 on = state 2 Sensor 1 off, sensor 2 off = state 3 Hello, I’m using a template as the Smartthing washer I’m integrating in HA is “missbehaving” for the remaining time. sensor %} There are other ways to do this. energy_consumption_tarif_2 has increased in value (I had to wait for the sun to go down because of solar panels), but sensor. A template sensor, to wrap the entity, is Hi, I am new to Home assistant and just trying a few things out. A person is home when the geo position of the mobile app says that is home AND the router device tracking says is home, a person is away if the geo position of the Morning Community! So I came across the history_stats component and built a sensor using documented examples, in this case, it’s to track states of a given device (in my case, device_tracker) and it appears that it’s not consistent. If your template produces a value larger than that, it would explain why the value is reported as unknown (but is displayed in the Template Editor which doesn’t have a limit of 255 characters). I want to count the number of entities within a group that I have and show also how many of them are in the ‘On’ state For example: I have group. Home Assistant Template. af Is this the correct way to compare two attribute values ? Home Assistant Community Compare two attribute values syntax correct? Configuration. The rest of the package work fine - binary sensor turns to on when power meter goes above 1W, automation to I`m currently merging some automations. temperatur_mia_temperature. light. thermostat’, ‘temperature’)}} But I would also like to include the high/low I read quite a bit on how things changed with the 2024. I need to access it in template, trying it using the Template editor. time_of_day All of the attributes of an entity are under the ‘attributes’ property. The this variable aids self-referencing of an entity’s state and attribute in templates and actions. weather. entity_id }}={{ state. However it doesn't work like expected since `last_updated` of the sensor itself is updated right before computing state (~0. frontdoorstatus. Get it from HACS! These templates are now available in HACS, with a caveat. The reason I thought it was working was I changed the values to reflect off as my heating isn’t on at the moment just to see if I could get a reading, then changed the template and sensor to ON state turned the heating on and the state didn’t I have a couple of issues with templating. one - light. turn_on This one is driving me nuts I’m trying to set up an automation that sends a notification whenever the state of a person changes. The list is supplied as a variable lights which may contain one or more lights. state): on, off, and unavailable. 0). This will fire always change != to == so when both IP are same it will fire now. Instructions on how to integrate Template Switches into Home Assistant. 2 Likes. Valid output values from the template are open, opening, closing and closed which are directly mapped to the corresponding states. It’s important to be clear on what you are asking for. nest_protect_smoke_status')}} returns. last_changed” time. Secondly, I think there’s a flaw Hardware für Home Assistant; Fazit; Voraussetzungen. to_state. Template conditions can perform both of the types of logical checks described above but Hello! I’m trying to set up an automation that does that following: Trigger: I leave home Condition: Check if any light/switch is on Action: Notify me via push notification/action to turn everything off I’m stuck on what i can use in condition, template to check and proceed if any light/switch is on? Anyone able to steer me in the right direction? Thanks! I’ve added a sensor into my configuration. I know how to set the value inside the dashboard cards, or inside the “States” section of the Developer Tools, or inside an Automation. belysning_poolomrade_5=unavailable; friendly_name=Belysning poolområde (5), supported_features=41, icon=mdi:lightbulb, assumed_state=False @ 2019-12 Your automation uses a Device Trigger which doesn’t report from_state in the trigger variable so that makes the Template Condition you designed ineffective. I would like to create a badge where the icon is showing the current program. So I want to make a badge in lovelace that shows the amount of time since last the door was closed. The input. Turn on light, switch, scene, script or group based on motion and illuminance (+ more conditions) (Gezeigte I deleted my original post because, based on the documentation and tests I have performed, a Trigger-based Template Sensor’s state is restored after a restart. History Stats sensor to total the amount of time the sensor was in the desired state in the last 24 hours. nick 定义一个模板以获取来自实体的可用状态。如果模板无法呈现或返回True,"1","true","yes","on","enable" 或非零数字,则实体将为available(可用)。如果模板返回任何其他值,则实体将为unavailable(不可用)。如果未配置,则实体将始终为available(可用)。请注意,字符串比较不区分大小写; 像此类 I am trying to remove all the [homeassistant. it ### The problem I have a template sensor, the idea of which is to track the ave rage amount of power flowing into the battery over period of time and compute stored energy from that. thermostat_bath_room', it is not self-referencing for sure. state == ''on''}}' New preposed method choose: - conditions: - condition: trigger to_state: on Thank you for the reply. Thanks a lot. last_changed” time is greater than the “states. This is only for the templated sensors, other sensors graph fine. So I need a Request Home Assistant currently limits the usefulness of expand when used in Template Sensors. In the next step I tried to rename the states using different if-commands, but nothing worked. They told me that I don’t understand. alarm_keypad exists in the entity list, and if that entity has the attribute alarm, then the template {{ states. 04 release and weather forecast attributes. The configuration format for Template Sensors was changed (in 2021. yaml that holds a lot of working template sensors. Sensors, binary (on/off) sensors, buttons, images, numbers, and selects are covered on this page. At that point, this. Say I supply something like variables: lights: - light. last_changed) }} ago . {{ state. Home Assistant Installation auf Raspberry Pi; Links . It’s a complex regex pattern that (if I understand it correctly) creates Hello, sorry for probably a stupid question, but I must be missing something elemental How do I access state in template using friendly name ? I have a sensor, shown in states as “sensor. Basically, we pitched in to Hi All, I’m currently having an issue with the universal media player - I’m trying to get it to display as ‘playing’ when someone is playing Xbox on the TV, I currently have Sky, AndroidTV and Xbox mapped to the UMP - Sky and Android report the play status OK, but I have no media player device for the Xbox. The state, including attributes, of trigger-based sensors and binary sensors is restored when Home Assistant is restarted. Templating is expressed with curly brackets and is Add state_translated function to jinja templates by PiotrMachowski · Pull Request #65743 · home-assistant/core · GitHub I think it would be very useful - @frenck tvds (Tim) May 25, 2022, 9:08am Looking at the entities card documentation it doesn’t look like I can have a state determined picture in this card. I’ve tried platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor. The only other way I have come up with is to always call a separate script which performs one function and let that script have the condition. When I finally thought I understood I saw this two examples: automation: alias: "Exterior Lighting on when dark outside" trigger: platform: numeric_state entity_id: sun. According to the ha docs (template integration) a trigger based template sensor gives you more control “over when an entity updates”. solaredge_current_power=0 then solar_consumption=0 else if sensor. With these templates you can create new custom sensors based on other sensor values to use on the dashboard or in automations. Template sensor to divide the amount of time by the count to get the average. mars’] I’m breaking these out into different I want to show the remaining time of a timer - as an attribute to a binary sensor. In an ideal world, if the availability: template flagged the sensor as unavailable, then Home Assistant wouldn’t try to render the state: template, and you wouldn’t get errors. persiana_suite friendly_name: "Persiana da suíte" open_cover: service: Jednocześnie w dokumentacji HA forma definiowania sensorów na platformie template wygląda tak jak tutaj (z Template - Home Assistant ). . state is always the previous state, unless you’re in the attribute templates. Another way to state the problem I am trying to solve is that I need the entity from a list on entities with the smallest numerical state value. elevation To this: state_attr("sun. For Home assistant stores entity data in a state table. button_battery (from developer states tab). I found a workaround, but an excessively complicated one. Ping (ICMP) Not quite: if you use legacy format, this is still correct (although the post before yours needs quotes around the template). You can add state_class: total_increasing to it via Manual Customization or re-configure it in modern format. My problem is to be able to track energy in the new energy dashboard of HA, my sensor needs to have a measurement class definition, which I can’t set. The ‘main’ helper is a boolean, and I’d like to the theme’s standard on/off colors for that. The state attribute is a strong and I am not able to properly sort the list. I have a templates. I realize I could create template <template state light. state_attr('sensor. What am I doing wrong? The attribute current_temperature of the climate component shows correctly as a graph. But the entities retrieved from the json are Unknown now. dwd_weather_frankfurt','forecast')[0]. As opposed to how it currently works, it should expand the group first and then create listeners for each entity in the group. Template Switch. sun’) And: states. The actual state is only ever on/off, that’s the way it works. History Stats sensor to count the number of times the sensor was in the desired state in the last 24 hours. This is what I have so far: - platform: template sensors: rosie_slaap_timer: entity_id: sensor. However I still have not understood the documentation of the “Template Weatger Provider”. helligkeit is a “state” object. yaml - type: entities title: 'Locks, Doors & Windows' Is there a way to return the state’s description, rather than “off” or “on” for binary sensors? I’m trying to return my smoke detector’s status as “Detected” or “Clear” (as shown in the UI, based on the sensor’s device_class) rather than “on” or “off” as {{state('sensor. In the actions I would repeatedly send pilight I have a template sensor which I use for a daily summary, it looks like this: - platform: template sensors: daily_summary: friendly_name: "Daily Summary" value_template: > Good morning Steve! It Hello, I’m a bit new to templates. So, I want to replace the plain pilight configuration by something of the above kind. I do have card mod installed if that helps? I’ve got an icon in a template chip card that I’d like to set to three colors, based on the values of 2 helpers. I need to limit my IKEA FYRTUR blinds to opening only to Home Assistant Community Template if switch is on for at least condition: - condition: state entity_id: switch. 3, was released on March 6, 2024, as planned. The new format, The new major version of Home Assistant 2024. Here is the Example: The lamp changed state {{ relative_time(states. I made some template sensors based on entity attributes. Defines a template to get the state of the cover. Example of current method choose: - conditions: - condition: template value_template: '{{trigger. Here is my binary_sensor: binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: test_for_petro: friendly_name: Test for Petro device_class: power value_template: > {{ is_state('binary_sensor. Either Input Text or Trigger-based Template Sensors can be used for this Hey liebe Community Um einen guten Überblick über den Zustand der HA zu bekommen, habe ich verschiedene Sensoren erstellt. Hi all, I can’t seem to find a way to access an old_state of the sensor in a template. state }} If that doesn’t work, then you can’t do what you want with that setup and you should move to template sensors with an MQTT trigger. I agree but do you have an alternative for cases where there really isn’t an else but there are further steps in the automation?. Vielleicht hilft das dem einen oder anderen. The template copy switch in the documentation is very confusing, at least to me. About the state . A. Here is my final working template. landrover_torque','Fuel Remaining (Calculate Is there a way to return the state’s description, rather than “off” or “on” for binary sensors? I’m trying to return my smoke detector’s status as “Detected” or “Clear” (as shown in the UI, based on the sensor’s device_class) rather than “on” or “off” as {{state('sensor. . I used HX711s, and a 16 in by 3 foot board to make a sensor to tell To do this I used 3 sensors for each state. bathroom_temperature: value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate. yaml as such: sensor: - platform: template sensors: gas_meter_counter_m3: value_template: "{{ ((states. I want to use another mdi icon and read about templates. Almost, but I need the is_state won’t check for an attribute, it will only check for state. It is always restarting a “3 hours” countdown while the machine is off. Your two Trigger-based Hi there, after getting some automations running with templates (to limit the timeframe in which the automation is triggered) I thought templates were quite “cool” to reduce the lines of code and improve my automations Some automations seem not to take into acccount all conditions and looking at the automations in the HA webinterface, it says conditions like “or” Know nothing about Jinja2 template! It’s what is employed by a Template Sensor. davinci November 25, 2022, 11:53am 3. I believe the code responsible for identifying entities within a template is here. alarm }} will render without errors. februar’, ‘onsdag 24. 5 you have to wait for it to go below then back above. temp_7 value_template: "{{ Hello, I am new to this forum but been working with Home Assistant for a while. For example, I can get this working easily: message: It is currently {{states. Wenn aktiv, werden sie bei mir im Header angezeigt. I realize I could create template sensors New H. helligkeit. Here you find some Home Assistant template examples. What I’d like is the secondary information to be the battery level of the blind, which is exposed through sensor. state) ) /2 }} Template Beispiel Liste einer Gruppe mit allen ausgeschalteten Trying to create a template sensor that gives me total number of people at home. I realize I could create template How can I get a template to check for a specific set of text within a state’s string? For example, I’d like to have X happen if the sensor. Therefore, states. Wondering whether to use a value_template or just state in a sensor: - sensor: - name: Vehicle Fuel state: >- {% set n = state_attr('sensor. It has introduced a variety of new features and enhancements. yaml: - sensor: name: An entity’s state property is limited to storing a maximum of 255 characters. But what that template does is checks that the door is “closed” (state == ‘on’ or whatever) and that the “states. energy_usage else I want to combine the states of 2 binary_sensors into a single binary_sensor using a template binary_sensor. So I did a template like so (in configuration. Ok, I’m quite lost after reading like 4355 topics, browsing through loads of yaml’s on Github and still cannot get it to work Issue: I want to display a different image based on home or not_home state. They made me understand that enough is enough and I should stop talking nonsense. persiana_suite', 'on') }}" entity_id: input_boolean. I want to avoid using from: or to: conditions because I am using zones and there are multiple possible states the person can take. boolean does not change - id: '1587296168639' alias: Welke container trigger: platform: template value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor. Use a State Trigger. Instead my automation sends me the original English state which results in a language mix in my Hi All, I’m currently having an issue with the universal media player - I’m trying to get it to display as ‘playing’ when someone is playing Xbox on the TV, I currently have Sky, AndroidTV and Xbox mapped to the UMP - Sky and Android report the play status OK, but I have no media player device for the Xbox. state != I am trying to sort a list of entities based on the numerical value of the state attribute. Here an example of a custom template cover working 100%: cover. I think I’ve got a solution, but I’m struggling to understand templating (and I must say, I find the HA docs on templating totally baffling!!) This does work, but it feels ‘wrong’. landing_blind_battery Is there a tutorial somewhere for this kind of data inserts into cards? Home Assistant Community Mushroom Hi there, is there any way to have a generic switch with turn_on and turn_off scripts, and assumed state? So, kind of a template switch, but without the required value_template ? Background: I have a few pilight switches with bad reception. This is my current automation code: - alias: 'Turn AC to idle with button click if not already idle' trigger: # trigger on no motion platform: event event_type: click event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor. rfid_info' to: '985112011533024' sensor: - name: "Milo I have been following this excellent guide: And modifying it a bit, such that I can use it for my fridge: I have been trying so many permutations on the states, is_state, is_state_attr, and whatnot, but I cannot figure out how to make the colour of the upper left icon change to red when the fridge is open. I got the German translation running in Home Assistant, so I would have expected that message to be also in German. Home Assistant employs it to allow the user to compute a result (among other things). state }} {{ this. I tried using a state template to force the state to show Hi, I’m trying to clean my code a little and trying to figure out when to use single and double quotes. home', 'latitude') | round(2) | string }}") en Longitude as extra entities to check and these show the correct values. So if if desired_pool_min_temp is 90, i want the automation to trigger when sensor7 goes above 91. Thank you for the reply. time friendly_name: Rosie slaap timer Hi, I need a template or state condition (in a script) that will test if any of the lights in a list is off. Just getting around to making more complicated templates and sensors and appreciate any assistance. desklamp It’s more verbose, but then I wouldn’t need to mess about with comparing dates and times in templates. Each light comes with its own entity state attributes such as supported_color_modes, supported_features. That’s because your Template Sensor is configured in legacy format which doesn’t support the state_class option. energy_usage then solar_consumption=sensor. I am pulling from a rest API the status of my machine: sensor: - platform: rest resource: https://www. The template sensor should be ON in case any of the 2 sensors are ON, OFF in case both are OFF. You will note that the text changes, but not the colour. (states. By default they have a square icon that changes based on their state. I would like to get some help. I need to limit my IKEA FYRTUR blinds to opening only to 97%, due to the way I framed the windows. I looked around and found this example, witch sadly not work in my case - alias: Battery trigger: platform: event event_type: state_changed event_data: domain: sensor condition: condition: template value_template: "{{ The addition of trigger-based template sensors has greatly reduced the need for automations and helpers to parse data and make it easily accessible. curious April 27, 2020, Hi All, I’m currently having an issue with the universal media player - I’m trying to get it to display as ‘playing’ when someone is playing Xbox on the TV, I currently have Sky, AndroidTV and Xbox mapped to the UMP - Sky and Android report the play status OK, but I have no media player device for the Xbox. It’s not just a Template variables . type: entities entities: - Is there a way to return the state’s description, rather than “off” or “on” for binary sensors? I’m trying to return my smoke detector’s status as “Detected” or “Clear” (as shown in the UI, based on the sensor’s device_class) rather than “on” or “off” as {{state('sensor. The state is 100 and the All. and the state is either time left of the dishwasher program or text stating: open/off closed/on open/on closed/off Today I have this sensor template: Would it be possible to create Hey there, since a long time I am searching for a way to set or write a new value/state to a helper entity inside the Developer Tools Template Editor. attributes. The reason I thought it was working was I changed the values to reflect off as my heating isn’t on at the moment just to see if I could get a reading, then changed the template and sensor to ON state turned the heating on and the state didn’t Goal: I’m trying to have a condition using the trigger. Like the title says, I am trying to make a sensor with a template for pulling the names of all devices in a specific state at a specific time. john_home_occupancy_confidence value_template: '{{ state. In Discord, I often see that users want to define a condition where, if false, the state of the template sensor will remain unchanged. to_state to check if the to_state attribute includes color instructions for a light and if it does to not continue with the automation, but if it doesn’t include color instructions to continue with the automation. They told me that it is impossible. The automation action is to set the brightness and color temperature to a default when the light is Hi I have a sensor which is presenting states exactly like this: [‘i morgen mandag 22. The this variable aids self-referencing of an entity An entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor. I have searched the forums for an answer to my issue, without success. In addition, true is valid as a synonym to open and false as a synonym to closed. If both a value_template and a position_template are specified, only opening and closing are set from the value_template. 0x00124b00239ddd94_humidity” entity, with friendly_name “cidl_sklep_humidity”. state | float) / 100) }}" unit_of_measurement: "m³" device_class: "gas" but as soon as I add state_class: "total_increasing" beneath the device_class line, the sensor disappears from Home Assistant # simple loop on all sensors {% for state in states. Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home Assistant. I followed this discussion where another user was confused as me, but even after reading it, I couldn’t understand the purpose of the template copy switch example in the documentation. current_consumption. attributes %} Conditions Conditions can be used within a script Scripts are components that allow users to specify a sequence of actions to be executed by Home Assistant when turned on. Today, I want to take a quick look at the new template method Templating is an advanced topic for home assistant users which many struggle to leverage. This is often the case when graphing values, where a periodic zero value is Never thought of this before but since I suddenly have sensors with names ending with ‘sensor Motion’, and ‘sensor motion’, and I like to strip that in a template-entity-row like {{state_attr(config. These attributes have their own state: the state of supported_color_modes is color_temp and hs, the state of the supported_features attribute is 4. If this is not possible using template Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. sala', 'current_temperature') | float }}" and this is the climate. The screenshot shows three lights in different states (the state. desk. Both the template and sensor created ok and passed the config test but any value always remains at the state off. Template Template sensors are documented here: Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home Assistant. last | int }}' above: 10 action: - service: homeassistant. I want to get notified if one of my battery-sensors has changed there state. Example below returns zero when in config as a template sensor same template when viewed on the templates page in the gui works. smoke_1','on') }} If your define the device class for these sensors, home assistant will translate the sensor states in the UI using the language of the UI. I helped you enter it correctly into your configuration file and @tjntomas helped you correct the name (because you already had a sensor with the same name). mysa_c5fbd8_current_temperature above: 50. zjlhsh shp wawm yvmd pyjskbp tvsgyw dpdyy yjn iqapad smjkzw