Deadwoodjedi double maneater. com/deadwoodjediTo use the clan boss and.
Deadwoodjedi double maneater 28 true speed Fayne: 178 Rhazin: 176. Jul 10, 2022 · There are a few BFF’s in Raid like Seer and Lydia, or Maneater and Painkeeper and even Siphi and Rotos but, one of the lesser-known ones is Sepulcher Sentinel and Valkyrie and as killable clan boss teams go, these BFF’s are the best, well except a certain void legendary and a tank of a dwarf, but we are not talking about them, it works on Ultra nightmare and nightmare, and this comp is Running a champion at 3:1 ratio is the dream of any clan boss team. I have adapted the speeds to allow a wider range on Maneater (286-295 instead of 286-287). 66 true speed Well if you’re willing to spend tons of silver and time to get the setup right but not willing to spend 45 seconds manualing a couple turns in the beginning of each run to utilize the comp you built then I don’t know what to tell you. Clan Boss Speed Tune for Raid Shadow Legends using 2 Counter-Attack Champions to stay survive longer and maximize damage. Use a strong affinity DPS and place them in the back of the Team Order to help avoid the stun. In this particular case it doesn’t matter if ME and/or Seeker has Lore of Steel, but in general you have to take it into account (LoS is neither good nor bad, just another thing you need Maneater and Warcaster Unkillable team where you can use Counter-Attack and Ally Attack Freely. It’s advised to read up on those builds to help. What in the Hellmut Runs Archmage Hellmut at 3:1 Ratio with Seeker to provide permanent suite of buffs for your DPS champion. Easy double maneater speeds are lower across the board, and the comp truly is easy to build and use. Masteries Clan Boss Speed tune for Raid Shadow Legends using Helicath (Hellcat). Painkeeper: 218-222. This is her wheelhouse. In Clan Boss, you have to account for a number of debuffs and also bring enough speed to create a speed tune. Ranges are actually slightly wider than what is shown above. I do not use a Maneater team, but here is some general advice on unkillable speed tune. I'm looking for opinions on what damage dealers might be the best investment. DPS – can be anyone: 175-178. 255 – ManEater; 218 – Seeker; 214-217 – DPS; 192-199 – 4 turn Cooldown UK Champ; 179-183 – DPS; Speed Tune Sync: UNM tune will sync on turn 6; NM tune will sync on turn 9; Brutal tune will sync on turn 3; Skill Set Up: UNM ManEater: Open with A1, then A3; Seeker: Open with A1, then A1, then A1, then A2 3 Turn Delay on A2 Two Roschard the Tower on a 5:4 turn ratio, alternating block damage to stay unkillable. Fast Tower and Maneater Stays Unkillable and Affinity Friendly. Frozen Banshee 200 speed (any DPS works) just needs to be faster than Deacon. This unofficial subreddit is maintained by players and fans of this game. But do you run the same DPS on Bateater as everyone else? The team is the Bateater, or double Maneater, or White Whale, etc. Hellmut-Seeker-Double ME Unkillable team that doesn't work on Force. These abilities are incredibly powerful in speed tunes and opens up many opportunities to creative unique and fun speed tunes. Works on NM and UNM flawlessly on all affinities except for spirit. WarMBat Unkillable Team utilizing Block Damage (Warcaster, Tower or Sir Nicholas) and Maneater to stay unkillable and affinity friendly Double check in the calculator and make sure you add in speed sets and if you are using LOS mastery. For Spirit Demytha will need to a1 twice on turn zero and then a2, then a3 (prioritize these) Block Damage Champ has 1 turn delay for debuff 255 – ManEater; 218 – Seeker; 214-217 – DPS; 192-199 – 4 turn Cooldown UK Champ; 179-183 – DPS; Speed Tune Sync: UNM tune will sync on turn 6; NM tune will sync on turn 9; Brutal tune will sync on turn 3; Skill Set Up: UNM ManEater: Open with A1, then A3; Seeker: Open with A1, then A1, then A1, then A2 3 Turn Delay on A2 Sep 14, 2022 · The run’s failure rate is no that small – definitly not only when Kuzard fails to land dec speed. 255 – ManEater; 218 – Seeker; 192-194 – 4 turn Cooldown UK Champ; 192-204 – Ninja; 179-183 – DPS; Speed Tune Sync: UNM tune will sync on turn 6; NM tune will sync on turn 9; Brutal tune will sync on turn 9; Skill Set Up: UNM ManEater: Open with A1, then A3; Seeker: Open with A1, then A1, then A1, then A2 3 Turn Delay on A2 4:3 DPS champion will take a double turn after the stun and before Valkyrie on void and before the stun on affinity. Speeds listed exclude any speed aura. White Whale 2:1 turn ratio using 2 speed boosters or a speed booster and a buff extender. Demytha is a wonderful block damage champ that also brings increase buff duration. Apr 12, 2023 · Join Raid discussion and read about Help with Double Maneater + Turvold Build for UNM on the Forum. Krisk 4:3 Slow Tune Uses Krisks ally speed buff and extend buff ability to let everyone have less speed to move faster, with one champ moving at 4:3. Nov 20, 2022 · Top Poisoner for the Boss. She is the only champion that places a shield based on a Defense Stat allowing you to create some huge shields. the key to this comp is the Jan 9, 2024 · Her Passive allows her to deal double damage if she is low on HP and the Clan-Boss has Decrease Defence on it. Omg! that is amazing!! Join my Patreon: / deadwoodjedi Find the clan boss and arena calculators at https://www. Composition from: https://www. Works for UNM / NM / Brutal with one setup. It is deadwoodjedi's personal #1 recommended comp for most situations and I agree. At some point you will have 5 level 60s champions and you will want to consider a specific speed tune to improve your damage per key. 205 – Apothecary. Against two Legendary poisoners, he did twice the damage and can keep the bar almost full by himself. Sep 28, 2022 · Make sure you double-check the calculator to ensure you have the speeds correct! Turvold is a very niche champion as best and once you have better damage dealers for all areas of the game, unfortunately, he will find himself in the vault and it’s a crying shame that that happens for a void legendary champion. Adds a 4:3 champion and Ally Attack to the Budget Maneater Unkillable. the masteries shown below are the go-to masteries for all the champions of this team. Set will matter. Affinity friendly single demytha unkillable team! What more can you ask for? Utilizing Heiress and two Painkeepers to keep the buffs up 100% of the time and one DPS to do your damage. 5% of their MAX HP. Based on the speeds (I matched your speeds EXACTLY, no TM buffs or masteries), and by running the data through DeadwoodJedi's site, and by tracking the unkillable buff duration of 2 turns on every hero from the moment Maneater uses his A3 (which I set as a 3-turn cooldown), I am getting regular rounds where heroes are unprotected including: #ArkLegendsPre-Registration Link for Ark Legends: http://arklegendsmobile. However, there's a potential problem for using Demytha in infinity comps, which is that Demytha's block damage ability also places a continuous heal, which is a stacking buff, and there's a buff cap. She has many teams that she can fit into such as; Traditional Teams if you turn her a2 off so no Increase Speed as her other debuffs do a lot of work, 2:1 Ratio teams. There are plenty of options with a number of Unkillable enabling champions including Demytha, Roschard the Tower and the more frequently used Maneater speed tunes. Clan Boss Speed Tune for Raid Shadow Legends. Easy Double Maneater team that works for UNM, NM, and Brutal Clan Boss all with zero speed changes. Deacon Armstrong has a Turn Meter Fill paired with a decrease defence and also brings a leech for non-unkillable comps. 28 true speed Slow ME: 214. Instead of Pain Keeper, however Ma'Shalled comes in to provide extra speed and damage. Ally-Attack’s must be used immediately before Razelvarg takes his turn. com/Prereg/?utm_source=KOL&utm_medium=deadwood For those interested in joining the Budget Maneater team that works on UNM and NM with NO gear swaps! Clan Boss Speed Tune for Raid Shadow Legends. Hello again everyone, I'm back with a more in-depth look at the Maneater - Maneater - Seeker - Pain Keeper team that can 1 KEY UNM with Draco and possibly the only team in Raid that can 2 KEY UNM without any Legendaries. Its the build I use. This can be prioritised in the team setup. com/spe Dec 4, 2022 · Demytha aka Demy aka the queen of clan boss is a void epic champion from the dwarves faction in Raid: Shadow Legends. If she can’t die, she is a top-tier epic. The turn orders happen so that Demytha goes last before AOE1 and Maneater goes last before AOE2. The only adjustment is Turvold being slightly slower than the "slow" champ because of his extra turns, but even that adjustment has been known for a while. Emic Trunkheart will move at a 4:3 Speed Ratio, enabling him to keep unkillable on your full team for the AOE attacks while cooling down your allies abilities, allowing the usage of another AOE unkillable champion to stay protected for the stun. Slow Beating Trunkheart With the same speeds as the original Tower/Skullcrusher Unkillable and Slow Hellcat Unkillable, Emic Trunkheart creates an Unkillable team by utilizing his cooldown ability to enable another AOE Unkillable or Block Damage Unkillable Speed tunes offer the best damage per key for most players requiring far less gear to achieve good results and often instantly unlock 2 key UNM capability. 1 maneater - 221 speed , 2 maneater - 216 speed, Martyr - 176 speed, Fahrakin - 166 speed, Frozen - 176 speed. Spirit affinity is quite a bit different to setup, just google "Easy Double Maneater" and checkout the deadwoodjedi link. Speed Tune Sync: UNM tune will sync on turn 5; NM tune will sync on turn 5; Brutal tune will sync on turn 3; Skill Set Up: UNM and NM: A subreddit for the hero collector RPG mobile game, RAID: Shadow Legends! and the show RAID: Call of the Arbiter. Double Warcaster blocks the AOEs and Bushi or Skullcrusher takes the stun. Below are the the list of known tunes that include Sir Nic. Budget Version of Demytha and Maneater by utilizing High Khatun and slow speeds. Oct 21, 2024 · Maneater – What is Clan Boss without this champion, they are arch nemesis but Maneater always seems to come out on top! Maneater’s A3 provides your whole team with a Unkillable buff for 2 turns, whilst also placing Block Debuffs which is incredibly valuable in Clan Boss as it makes teams affinity neutral without worrying about the Decrease One realistic example of a working setup (without a speed aura) is Seeker 2 speed sets, Maneater 3 speed sets, the 191 champions in no speed-affecting sets. 192-199 – ManEater; 182-189 – Godseeker; 181-189 – Nia Must be Slower than Godseeker; 171-180 – DPS; 171-180 – DPS; Speed Tune Sync: UNM tune will sync on turn 0; NM tune will sync on turn 3; Skill Set Up: UNM ManEater: Open A3; Nia: Open A1, then A1, then Auto; Godseeker: A2 Disabled; NM ManEater: Open A2, then A3; Nia: Open A1, then Clan Boss Speed Tune for RAID: Shadow Legends using Seeker to go 2:1 that is the basis of many Seeker traditional and unkillable teams. Maneater - 296 Speed DPS/Poisoner - 175 Speed Roshcard the Tower - 253 Speed The set up is really simple, Maneater uses his A3 at the start of turn 1 and Roshcard waits to use his A3 at the start of turn 3. Account for usage of speed sets and Lore of Steel mastery, and input it in Deadwoodjedi calculator. They are one of the many champions you can substitute for Double Maneater Unkillable Iron Twins Fortress for Stage 14 | Raid Shadow Legends | Test ServerThe other half of the Double Maneater Unkillable to advance th Use a Maneater and Tower/Warcaster/Santa with a speed booster to achieve Unkillable. I use 2x maneater, kreela, belanor + zavia, I 2 key UNM every time, and 1 key NM. NM 240-241 – Maneater 218-222 – Pain Keeper 175-178 – DPS 175-178- DPS 121 -Stun Target/DPS Rotation: Maneater – A1, A3, auto Pain Keeper – A3, A1, A1, A2, auto Everyone else – auto. Once an OG vault lord, Ma’shalled got buffed into an absolute monster and was responsible for some of the earliest high damage unkillable teams. Look mate, I run it like this, fast ME 218, slow ME 215, one champ 182, in your case I would use kreela, one champ 178 and one 177. You can do little tricks like if you have an Attack amulet with a double High roll, triple or quad roll Crit DMG sub stat – it’ll be more damage than a standard C. 58-221 – FastME Fast Double Maneater Unkillable team that is fully affinity friendly. You CANNOT use Counter-Attack on Razelvarg. I checked the true speeds on DeadwoodJedi's clan boss calculator a Speed ranges are almost non-existent – DOUBLE CHECK in the Calculator! ALL SPEEDS LISTED ARE TRUE SPEEDS. Mar 24, 2023 · There are some unique tunes relying upon Dazdurk that could be pretty interesting to push through, but I’d expect Cold Brew to opt for a reliable 3:2 ratio team, allowing Dazdurks Turn Meter boost to enable a double turn for the entire team. UNM or NM only. Double Myth + Maneater should be able to do so as well, but I couldn't find that combination at his website, so I have no speed tables your champs would have to use to be in turnorder. She is perfect for it. Maneater 2 268-270 speed ideal speed is 269. Aug 3, 2022 · 122 – Geomancer. (Rotations listed are to accommodate Spirit affinity; can be simplified for non-Spirit. Here's my Easy Double Maneater Unkillable Comp for Nightmare. Aox the rememberer 200 speed (any DPS works) just needs to be faster than Deacon Emic will take a double turn before the first AOE attack, placing unkillable on his second attack. The issue is boss’s passive triggered at HP level 85%, 70%, 55% and 40%. I'm trying to get to the elusive 1-key build. ManEater: Open A1, then A3; Drokgul: Open A1, then A3, then A2; NM ManEater: Open A1, then A1, then A3; Drokgul: Open A2; Gear, Masteries, Blessings: Gear Any sets that don’t affect turn meter or skill timing for the key players (ManEater/Drokgul). com/speed-tunes/easy-double-maneater/Sp It’s affinity friendly and you can practically put in any 3 dps champs and get a 2 key every affinity. This speed tune is a variation of the standard 5:3:3:3:3 ratio speed tune (similar to Drokgul). ) 218. You want to build everyone with enough accuracy to land their debuffs and as much HP and defence on ideally somewhere between 45K – 35K HP and around 3. ManEater: Open with A1, then A1, then A3; 4 Turn UK Champ: Open UK Skill; Speed Booster: Open Speed Boost Skill; Gear, Masteries, Blessings: Gear Any sets that don’t affect turn meter or skill timing for the key players (ManEater/4 turn UK/Speed Booster). Below is a Pulling a Valkyrie opens up a whole new type of composition to use in Clan Boss. ALL SPEEDS LISTED ARE TRUE SPEEDS. As always, double-check your speeds the calculator! UNM/NM/Brutal Setup: Turn 0 – Fast Maneater A3, Seeker A2, Seeker A1, Slow Maneater A2, Pain Keeper A3 (these two can be swapped depending on which of the two is Adds Turvold to the slow double Maneater unkillable team to increase your damage. 45 seconds to manual then full auto for the last 11-13 minutes for over 35 mil dmg doesn’t seem like a problem to me When you start fighting the clan boss, you will initially throw the best champs with the best gear and do the best you can. Adds Turvold to the slow double Maneater unkillable team to increase your damage. To use this team correctly, prioritize Sir Nic’s a2 then his a3. get a consistant 38-42mil damage. I'd also like to add I'm less than 6 months in and still farming dungeons at level 20 so my artifacts are not godly. DMG primary stat Nov 16, 2021 · My team is Aothar (lead), Maneater x2, Ninja and Underpriest Brogni. Sep 29, 2024 · The Myth-Fu comp is very simple and easy to set up whilst doing the damage that you need to get that one key Clan Boss that everyone desires. Must be Lower True Speed than Slow ManEater; 245-253 – Deacon ( 226-234 w/ Deacon’s Aura ) 221-224 – DPS; Speed Tune Sync: UNM tune will sync on turn 5; NM tune will sync on turn 5; Brutal tune will sync on turn 6; Skill Set Up: UNM / NM / Brutal Fast ManEater: Open A3; Slow ManEater: Open A2, then A3; Painkeeper: Open A3, then A2; Deacon Double Demytha's Double the fun! Block damage AND cleanse to stay affinity friendly. Aug 29, 2023 · Emic Trunkheart and Painkeeper will reduce each other’s cooldowns (and the rest of the team as well) to enable them to move at a 1:1 ratio. Getting 1 key can require some stronger gear but it is definitely achievable. The only other alternative to Maneater for Unkillable buff is Sir Nicholas. com/speed-tunes-9Champ Tier List from: ht I'm still going through the full ranges of speeds for this tune, so to stay up-to-date on the best available visit the website: https://deadwoodjedi. 2 key UNM and 1 key Nightmare Clan Boss potential! Nov 18, 2022 · Seeker is part of many Clan Boss comps, Bateater and Myth-Heir to name two. Maneater (Slow) has a 2-turn delay (a1, a1, a3) before using their unkillable ability. Too many poisoners ruin the proverbial soup. You can find the setup here: https://www. If you want to get the most out of your Geomancer, you want to hit affinity clan boss for those double hits to reflect. All champ speeds affect each other and can determine when the double turns occur. Posted by u/BrosBeforeUFOs - 2 votes and 14 comments BatEater w/ Ma'Shalled instead of Pain Keeper; Maneaters going at a 5:2. this comp is going to require 2 maneaters but it is worth it for that Quick battle Feature to get the 1 Key! Spirit must be manualled on turn zero (double a1 for Demytha, then a2) Skill Set Up: Skill set up is the same for UNM, NM and Brutal; Demytha opens a3, then a2. The 185 champion will go after valkyrie on affinity. I have 2 Maneaters but never built unkillable because I already have a 2 key team. NM ManEater: Open A2, then A3; Painkeeper: Open A3, then A1, then A2; Ninja: Open A3, then A2; Brutal ManEater: Open A2, then A1, then A3; Painkeeper: Open A2 Oct 21, 2022 · Her base defence is nearly nonexistent, so she is extremely hard to keep alive in a normal fight. My recomendations are: don't sleep on counterattack if you have heros with strong A1's My team has the same speeds as yours except for ManEater and DPS1 which is not exactly the same ! (note : I just used the deadwood calculator in order to get the real speeds of my team) - ManEater = 252. Put her in your budget unkillable, double Maneater, or even the Bateater comp and she will rack up the damage. Jan 29, 2023 · Skullcrusher is a Force Epic Champion from the Ogryn Tribes faction in Raid: Shadow Legends and he is one of the best in the game! Skullcrusher is the only epic in the game with a full team counter attack and only one of three in the entire game the other two, insane Legendary champions Valkyrie and Martyr. He doesn’t bring the Block Debuffs but he does bring an alternative approach to the unkillable composition. Using Double Maneater and Ma'Shalled to achieve an affinity friendly 2:1 unkillable team. NM Speed Tune Name Type Difficulty Key Performance Affinity Friendly; Santa's Ho-Ho-Ho-mies: Unkillable: Moderate: 1 Key UNM: All Affinities: MummyMan: Unkillable Double Check Calculator to see how sets effect the tune; 218 – 4:3 DPS or 2 Turn Block Debuff champ on 4 turn Cooldown; 190 – 1:1 DPS or 2 Turn Block Debuff champ on 3 Turn Cooldown; Speed Tune Sync: UNM / NM tune will sync on turn 1; Skill Set Up: UNM / NM Fast Warcaster: Open A1, then A1, then A3; Slow Warcaster: Open A3 Utilize Maneater and Khafru to create an affinity friendly unkillable team for UNM and NM Clan Boss. Aug 14, 2023 · And Here is another team of Epics using a maneater but just check it out because it has the potential to 1 Key UNM ClanBoss so you should definitely get it built and slaying the Demon Lord. Designated stun target will follow all Budget Unkillable rules so be sure to double-check them before making the Gravechiller or whoever you choose your stun target to be. No offense, but this is literally just the "Easy Double Maneater" comp that DeadwoodJedi has had on his site for ages. So now I’m experimenting with different DSP to get more raw damage to add to his poison. This is a full auto setup when skills are pre-set. For Brutal Difficulty the setup changes. It’s the natural progression from the budget unkillable and when you get this team going there is no turning back. It’s A LOT MORE def and A LOT LESS HP than the slow boi. If 191-197 champ is less than 20 speed faster than slowest champ, typically they will go last in turn order; double turn champs will go last on the double turn. Full Guide including speeds, masteries, and DeadwoodJedi Calculator links. Its a hybrid between the 2:1 Seeker team paired with the double Maneater unkillable, and Pain Keeper. Sep 9, 2022 · Maneater 1 268-270 speed ideal speed is 269. Using Partial-Booked Renegade and Warcaster/Skullcrusher to stay unkillable. A1 – Cow the Wicked. Edit: Couple additional comments: for those of you struggling with stun targeting. Works for both UNM and NM. Double check that turn meter boosting masteries are avoided. I have all the specified speeds and no weird masteries. Do you use Seeker outside of Clan Boss? And if you do, where do you use him, leave a comment down below, we love hearing from you! Maneater – A3 Pain Keeper – A3, A1, A2, auto Everyone else – auto For Spirit affinity, wait to use PK’s A2 till turn count 5. Slow Beating Trunkheart With the same speeds as the original Tower/Skullcrusher Unkillable and Slow Hellcat Unkillable, Emic Trunkheart creates an Unkillable team by utilizing his cooldown ability to enable another AOE Unkillable or Block Damage Jul 27, 2022 · 4th – Easy Double Maneater It works on all affinities; all levels and it is really easy to build, and it is the reason two Maneater’s are better than one. Make sure you double-check the speeds in the Calculator and account for true Speeds if you are taking on the Spirit Affinity Clan Boss. He was originally quite difficult to tune due to his AI but with the new AI tool we can get around this. Full guide including speeds, masteries, and Calculator Links Works for UNM / NM / Brutal with one setup. Double CH/Fayne aren't necessary for this team to work. Ninja Hellcat Unkillable Using the original Tower/Skullcrusher Unkillable, but utilizing Helicath to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and his Shield to prevent dying from the stun. Attacks 1 enemy. com/deadwoodjediTo use the clan boss and Fb ai does not use A2 in CB, you have a) a speed issue remember to set in sets in CB calculator and mastery if you have on champ in Deadwoods Calc, b) one of your toons has a mastery that has either time/speed manipulation or extends buffs or manipulates cool downs, c) check if for you are for some reason getting stunned d) you have a champ that breaks comp because of one of his skills, those Nov 4, 2022 · Maneater: 240-241. If it works in Double Maneater Team Up with Rathalos for BIG Damage | Raid Shadow LegendsEasy Double Maneater: https://deadwoodjedi. Unkillable Team utilizing Ninja, along with Helicath and Maneater to stay unkillable and affinity friendly. //deadwoodjedi. Martyr- 176 (Lore of steel) Rhazin - 173 Urogrim- 168 Maneater- 215 (2-speed sets) I think actual speed is 214. 124 – Frozen Banshee. xxx Looks like my slow Maneater should have gone on turn 19 unkillable, so is it as easy as kicking that up 1 speed charm? Any help would be appreciated. Jun 13, 2021 · Subscribe here: https://tinyurl. Against Nightmare Difficulty the 4:3 Champion is vulnerable to the stun. 46-238. Use the calculator to find the build speed and take into account any Area Bonuses your account may have. Recommend using the Easy Double Maneater Unkillable team instead. Stun targeting is very difficult, however, utilizing the same system used for the Budget Maneater Unkillable teams. Creating content about Raid: Shadow Legends for the community!Coaching and Takeovers visit my Patreonhttps://patreon. Am currently running double maneater in UNM, started 2 key consistently with Martyr, Fahrakin, and Frozen Banshee. com Join me on stream, Tues-Thurs & Sundays starting at 11:30am PST: / deadwoodjedi 239-247 – Slow Maneater 239-247 – Pain Keeper 218-227 – DPS. To be safe, aim for double the slow boi def and 5 k less HP. The name of the team is an emphasis on the champions needed to make it work. com. Also places a [True Fear] debuff for 1 turn if the target is a champion from the Demonspawn, Undead Hordes or Knight Revenant factions. Easy 1 key. DeadwoodJedi. He can be used anywhere to be honest; in Arena, Dragon, Ice Golem and even Fire Knight with his double attack on his A1. 129 – Coffin Smasher. Feel free to ask questions. Demy came into the game and blew away all competition for Clan Boss comps. It’s not just MORE def and less HP than the slow boi. 128 – Gravechill Killer. Oct 2, 2022 · Aura. No relentless. Speeds are as follows; Frozen Banshee - 211 / Maneater - 248 / Maneater - 245 / Geomancer - 207 / Valkyrie - 206. This can be prioritized in the team setup. Follow his rotations and they always get out of sync. info/cb Does anyone here run the Fast Double Maneater comp from Deadwoodjedi? If so, who else do you run and what is your damage output per key? I currently run this comp with Fahrakin, Vizier and Rhazin and average 47-48M per key. Aug 8, 2023 · This is the best 2:1 Maneater Unkillable Team that you can make, Bateater is full auto and fully affinity friendly meaning you press go each day without stress. 5K Defence, with 200 accuracy Special Rules. 1 Key Easy Double Maneater Team Team Discussion I know others have done this, but I've been using this team for over a year and it took me that long to get it to this point, so I wanted to post it. Brutal is 1 turn and 3 turn. Sorry no audio! A non 2:1 double Maneater team can still 2 key, although it'd be hard pressed to 1 key unless you have Draco and/or Turvold. That's the slow double maneater combo you can find on deadwoodjedis homepage. Deacon Armstrong 197-199 speed faster than other DPS 197 is the ideal speed. Get the speeds first and then worry about your damage output after that, as your account gets stronger the better gear you will have and the more damage you could potentially get from this comp. You also want to try to take as much damage as you can - so things like not taking the Resurgent mastery and ensuring your Maneater has low accuracy so he doesnt apply his decrease attack debuff etc. Sep 7, 2022 · Don’t get me wrong it’s not as simple as putting your double maneaters in there and let it rip. Skill Set Up: UNM Emic opens a3, then a2. Its probably worth having 2 maneaters built in the eventual case you want to run 1-key bateater, too. Still not 100% certain he will work against Neat theorycraft. Works on Brutal, NM and UNM. Any Affinity: Any CB difficulty: Difficulty to make: 7/10 Highest speed needed: 265 Lowest speed needed: 218 May 12, 2023 · Razelvarg and Double Maneater Clan Boss Speed Tune Skill Set Up. 52 Seeker; 188-194 DPS; Speed for Razz and Seeker are extremely tight, so plan accordingly. For UNM and NM, Razelvarg opens with a3, then a2. Speeds are incredibly tight! Champions: Seeker, Maneater, Maneater, Ma'Shalled, DPS champion Like the traditional Bateater, it includes a Seeker and two Maneaters to remain unkillable and affinity-friendly. Enter Unkillable Clan Boss teams. 55 true speed Sepulcher: 159. Uses a drifting 5:4 Maneater and a 1:1 UK champ to become unkillable. The Iron Twins at stage 15 have a huge amount of accuracy and Resistance making it hard to land and resist debuffs, to top it all off they’re very fast and hits extremely hard. Maneater opens a1, then a3. If you use an aura you should reduce your build speed accordingly. Heals all allies by 7. i Yes, I do 2 turn delay on fast ME and 4 turn delay on slow ME for UNM/NM. 24 (222 and 1x speed SET and no "lore of steel") Demytha Unkillable team utilizing Heiress to stay affinity friendly with Ma'shalled. This tune was created before we had skill priorities and is no longer recommended, though still functional. Theorerically, if the stun in the first round lands on anyone but maneater and roshcard, the comp should run smoothly. Accord to the calculator everything should be working fine: i. Jun 8, 2022 · When you are starting to build this comp all you need to focus on is the speeds. There's also explained, how you have to play the first 7 cb turns manually, and how you have to adjust speed for the NM CB. 225-238 champs take a double turn. Its quite hard to find a champion that can do that any better than Heiress. Jan 23, 2021 · If you're struggling with this build, plug the numbers into the calculator to make sure they're correct - adjust for speed sets as the true speeds needed can be pretty particular. For reference, I've been using Deadwood Jedi's Easy Double Maneater comp. Masteries Stick to typical Masteries that won’t affect Turn Meter or ManEater: Open A3; Painkeeper: Open A3, then A2 For Spirit Affinity wait to use Painkeeper’s A2 until Turn 5; Ninja: Open A3, then A2; This is a full auto setup when skills are pre-set. Alongside this he has a 19% Speed Aura opening up accessibility in some of the higher speed comps. Utilize Maneater and Khafru to create an affinity friendly unkillable team for UNM and NM Clan Boss. com/y272azvvCheck out SUMMONERS GLORY , USE PROMOCODE COLDBREW - FREE STARTER PACKDownload the game from:ANDROID: https://tin Exactly, you run Bateater. 2:1 Unkillable with Deacon Armstrong and two Block Damage or Unkillable champs. Razelvarg opens a2, then a3. Ninja in the Easy Double Maneater | Raid Shadow LegendsNinja is a BIG hitter in this comp, an excellent choice. Brutal 240-241 Jun 7, 2022 · He has an incredible multiplier on his A2 which means he benefits greatly from more attack. xxx Maneater- 220 (2-speed sets) again maybe 219. I figured out ninja needed special attention and I am using Deadwoodjedi Speed Calculator. Aug 26, 2021 · Using the easy double Maneater build from the great Deadwood Jedi's site, with Vizier, Draco and the MVP Geomancer. 290-315 Maneater (Fast) 290-315 Maneater (Slow) 237. This allows you to get three times as many attacks in or perhaps you have a 3 turn ability you’d like each turn. I was looking for a little advice on building easy double maneater for clan boss. Maneater (Fast) has no delays, opening with their a3 skill. Therefore Unkillable teams work really well for her. 240-241 – Maneater 218-222 – Pain Keeper 175-178 – DPS 175-178 – Shazar (must be slower than other DPS) 111-118 – Stun Target/DPS Rotation: Maneater – A3 PK – A1, A2, A3 (right before stun) NM 240-241 – Maneater 218-222 – Pain Keeper 175-178 – DPS 175-178 – Shazar (must be slower than other DPS) 121 – Stun Target/DPS Jul 3, 2022 · Its an Unkillable comp, so we need unkillable champions namely the eater of men Maneater and a block damage champion, you can pick any of them, Sir Nicolas is a little more difficult to use as you will need to tell him to use his block damage ability, as he will not use it naturally if he is at high health, Rochard the Tower and Warcaster are your other options. Spirit Affinity will require a Force DPS to take the stun over Heiress. ManEater: Open with A1, then A1, then A3; High Khatun: Open with A1, then A1, then A2; Demytha: Open with A2, then A1, then A3; Gear, Masteries, Blessings: Gear Any sets that don’t affect turn meter or skill timing for the key players (ManEater/High Khatun/Demytha). Maneater will take a double turn before the second AOE attack, placing unkillable and block debuffs on his second attack. Seems like my turn order speeds get messed up by spirit somehow. Started with three poisoners including OB, in the Easy Double Maneater comp. Once again huge shoutout to u/NapoleonCamembert and the Raid Illuminati team and u/DeadwoodJedi and the DWJ team who are working hard at giving us a better version of the speed calculator. In an infinity comp, those continuous heals will never expire, and if the buff bar is full, block damage (which does expire) will no longer be a Aug 25, 2023 · New Fusion Emic Trunkheart and Void Epic Demytha, who is basically a legendary champion in the skin of an epic, have combined forces to create Myth-Heart aka Slow Beating Trunkheart with adaptations to bring in Demytha and to make the comp work you need to do some fiddling with speeds but you’ll see all that in this guide below! 2:1 turn ratio using Lydia and a buff extender. . (I see you mention this at the end, which I didn't read before I wrote I am using a unkillable Fast Double Maneater setup for UNM clan boss. deadwoodjedi. Maneater + Pain Keeper unkillable team, using a 2:3 turn ratio champion as the stun target. You’ll want to ensure everyone has increase defense before the stun or the other 4:3 champion will take the stun on affinity when the increase defense buff from Sepulcher Deadwoodjedi. Currently I have: Fast ME: 219. Increases Ally SPD in all Battles by 19%. Don’t give the CB a tough choice of who to stun. Easy Double Maneater - | Raid Shadow LegendsScrap the old Double Maneater teams and USE THIS! It's as easy as an unkillable team can get with low speeds and So following deadwood Jedi’s guide for easy double maneater. Here is a Speed Tune for UNM Clan Boss using Emic as a main part of it to check out! Hellmut-Seeker-Double ME Unkillable team that doesn't work on Force. Masteries Stick to typical Masteries that won’t affect Turn Meter or skill timing. Lord Shazar – aka extra turn DPS: 175-178 Stun target: 111-118 The stun targets speed needs to change for Nightmare to 121, this should be easy enough for you, all you will need to do is change one piece of gear to add the extra speed I've been trying to get my unkillable team together and just can't get it to work on NM. 52 (256 and 2x speed SET and no "lore of steel") - Pain Keeper = 222. com/speed-tunes-4/Easy-Double-Maneater. Aug 5, 2022 · The plus on this, it is quite easy to build with the demy’s being the only champions with high speeds and it’s a great introduction to Ultra Nightmare if you don’t have a Maneater or a Painkeeper for the Budget Unkillable, and in all honesty, if I had to choose between this comp and the budget unkillable I would go the double Demy’s as Dec 5, 2022 · Double Maneater + Painkeeper According to Deadwood Jedi, this team is able to 1 key UNM.